Page 267 of Blood Gift

To her horror, Lord Tyran turned to Solia’s banner and placed his shield there amid the astonished outcries of the Council. With a sly smile, Lord Tyran bowed to Solia. She nodded back, her face impassive. He was certain to use this against her when she was queen—if any of them survived this night.

Cassia murmured near her sister’s ear, “Soli, it’s me. Don’t react.”

Solia had surely survived greater surprises than Cassia’s disembodied voice, for she didn’t even startle.

“The king is inside the perimeter and riding for the keep with a small army. Master Gorgos betrayed us and let him in. We must mount a defense. What do you want us to do?”

Solia ran her fingers over the Azarqi quiet charms in her hair. “Does he have other allies in the hall?”

“We don’t know,” Cassia said, “but only Master Gorgos could traverse and alert the king of what we know.”

“Mak, Lyros,” Solia murmured, “apprehend him with the Blood Shackles. Then we make our move.”

“Understood,” Mak said. “We need illusions.”

Lio’s ears must have picked up the request, for he nodded from across the chamber. Mak and Lyros stood, and images of them remained in their seats.

Flavian rose from his seat at the same time. “Princess Solia, all the votes are cast. Are you ready to count?”

Before she could speak, Ben’s voice rang out. “Wait.”

Mak and Lyros halted, remaining near Solia. Cassia watched, frozen, as Ben stood and raised his knightly shield. Genie leaned forward, her hands tight on the arms of her chair.

The sound of Ben’s sword sliding out of his scabbard was far too loud a whisper in the quiet room.

“Ben?” Flavian said. “What is the meaning of this?”

Ben paused before his liege lord and dearest friend. “I owe you my life, and your family will always have my love. But I must now answer to a higher loyalty.”

When he moved toward Solia, the command for Knight to attack hovered on Cassia’s tongue. Solia’s hand went to her hilt.

Ben knelt before her and placed his sword at her feet.

A breath rushed out of Cassia. Flavian had never looked so lost. But Genie’s face shone.

“My father committed the ultimate betrayal,” Ben said. “I am honor bound to right that wrong by remaining true to you, My Queen. I do not ask for his title or lands. I hope you will never make me a lord. Allow me to serve as your knight, come what may. My sword and shield are yours, if you will have me.”

“Sir Benedict, let it be known that I do not hold you accountable for your father’s crimes. You do not carry his shame. But I will gladly have you as my knight. I will need you. Rise, and keep your sword ready.”

Mak and Lyros stepped behind the mages’ chairs. The two Stewards’ blood hit the floor before Master Gorgos could react. Wards far more powerful than his own sprang to life around him, and the feeling of that Hesperine magic gave Cassia hope.

Lio appeared at her side and took her hand. In another blink, they stood before the dais at the front of the hall. The Council members gasped, and every gaze landed on them.

“King Lucis is here,” Cassia called out. “He’s riding toward Castra Patria with enough soldiers to outnumber every warrior in the fortress. Master Gorgos let him through the wards and allowed him to slaughter Segetia’s loyal men. We saw this with our own eyes.”

“Madness!” Master Gorgos’s jowls shook as he struggled against Mak and Lyros’s grasp. The man’s magic fluttered around him, batting against their wards. “These heretics dare accuse a holy man of betrayal?”

“Speak the truth.” Lio’s compelling voice rang through the hall and sent a shiver over Cassia’s skin. As his spell swept past her, she wanted to spill all her darkest secrets to him.

Master Gorgos’s eyes glazed under the effects of thelemancy. “Of course I allowed the king in. He’ll slaughter all of you traitors and Hesperine sympathizers, and he will elevate me to royal mage at his side.” A vacant smile came to his face. “How satisfying it was to frame that weakling Severin. What a pathetic excuse for a man, letting a foreigner into his bed. He belongs in prison.”

All the color had drained from Flavian’s face. In that moment, Cassia felt a throb of empathy for him. She knew how it felt to strive to do the right thing, only to ruin lives.

He strode toward the dais. As he closed his hand around the pole of his banner, he met Cassia’s gaze for an instant.

Then he threw down his emblem upon the shields of Solia’s supporters. “Your Majesty, I am at your command.”

Solia ascended the dais with a quiet swish of her sky blue skirts. But once she stood before the Mage King’s chair, she drew her golden sword and held it aloft. “Scion Angara, strengthen my heart with your holy fire and guide my blade for the protection of my people.”