Page 23 of Blood Gift

Cassia’s heart lifted. “Dare I hope you’ve all decided to accept our invitation?”

There was a spark in Solia’s gaze. “Since I am to negotiate with the Queens of Orthros on matters affecting both Tenebra and the Empire, an Imperial delegation will accompany me. My allies represent the Azarqi nomads, the Owia aristocracy, the diviners of the Empire, and Imperial Hesperines errant.”

Solia might think she was bringing the Ashes to help with the Empress’s plans, but this only played into Cassia and Lio’s plot. With Solia’s mercenary family accompanying her, she would be all the more tempted by a life of freedom with the people she loved.

Lio offered an official bow and a roguish grin to the mercenaries. “We will be delighted to host the Ashes. We hope you’ll find Orthros’s snows refreshing after the sands of the Maaqul.”

“You’d better give me a nice room, Sunshine,” Kella warned, “considering how you and Cassia borrowed my tent.”

A faint blush warmed Lio’s pale skin. “To be sure, First Blade, you shall have the best chambers in our residence.”

Mak snickered. “You didn’t tell Lyros and me about that part of your adventure. You’ve been holding out on us.”

“It was a lovely tent.” Cassia brought her memories of that night to the surface of her thoughts just to watch Lio’s blush deepen. “We’re so glad for the chance to return your hospitality, Kella. But you said you couldn’t leave the Empire because you have so many new contracts.”

Kella’s indigo-stained lips curved in a sly smile at Solia. “A new client recently offered to buy out all our other contracts. She has deep pockets, compliments of the Empress. We’ve signed on to accompany her wherever she may go, however long she may need elite reinforcements.”

“We would have gone with her anyway, but she insisted on paying us.” Tuura patted Solia’s hand. The Ashes’ diviner might look motherly, with her kind smile and round figure, but she had indeed gone to the most dangerous places in the world to fight alongside her mercenary comrades.

Mak clasped Karege’s wrist. “You didn’t get enough of Orthros’s politics on your last visit?”

The elder Hesperine, whose cloud of hair was as impressive as his prowess in battle, gave Mak a mighty clap on the shoulder. “Oh, that was more than enough oratory for me. This time, I’m coming for the sparring matches. And I’ll get paid to put up with the elders.”

“Solia knows the way to mercenaries’ hearts.” Hoyefe pressed both his hands to his breast. The handsome master fencer and illusionist never had trouble winning hearts himself. “Fame, fortune, and an invitation to a land full of gorgeous, hungry immortals.”

Lio laughed. “It seems you’ll finally have the opportunity to find some Hesperines of your own, Lonesome.”

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world!” Hoyefe put a hand on his hip, puffing out his chest. “Not least because you are in need of my expert romantic guidance. I understand you are to perform the Labors for the Matriarch.”

Not if Cassia could talk Lio out of it. She let him feel her disagreement loud and clear in her thoughts.

“I certainly am,” he said, unrepentant. “I should have known you have experience in that area.”

Hoyefe stroked his artfully groomed mustache. “I have indeed performed the labors for many a lovely woman—and lived to tell the tale.”

Kella rolled her eyes. “Sometimes you go through the entire ritual to shack up with another actress. You just like an excuse for the drama.”

“You wound me, Standstill!” Hoyefe declared. “The labors are a time-honored tradition to consecrate a union. Or several.”

“Well, I suppose it’s a good thing you can give Sunshine a few pointers.” Kella looked Lio over. “He’ll need them, going up against Sunburn.”

Hearing the fortune name she had borne as a mercenary, Solia smirked.

“Now, now, you’re worrying Shadow.” Hoyefe conjured a rose out of thin air and twirled it before Cassia until she couldn’t help but smile. “Don’t be alarmed, my dear.”

“I’m very grateful you’ll be there to help Lio,” she admitted.

Hoyefe leaned closer. “If you feel inspired to thank me, you can introduce me to any Hesperines you know who are as handsome as yours.”

“None are as handsome as Lio,” Cassia said, “but I’m sure we can find you plenty of good-looking possibilities on the docks.”

Lyros slung an arm around Hoyefe’s shoulder and led him toward the gate. “Wait until Mak and I take you to Hyacinth’s Ambrosia. No coffeehouse offers finer male company.”

“Tell them to bring an appetite,” Hoyefe said. “Once those lovely fellows are done with me, they won’t have room for coffee.”

Cassia squeezed Lio’s hand, and he nodded, joining their family and friends at the gate, where Komnena was handing around more bespelled silk cloaks. Cassia waited with Solia.

Her sister scanned the courtyard as if seeing more than this pocket of the Imperial Palace, as if trying to gather up all the years and memories hidden within these walls and beyond.