Page 22 of Blood Gift

Apollon seemed like a nocturnal sun with his golden hair and robe and magnanimous aura. Cassia no longer shrank from his powerful presence. She sought his gaze, and he winked at her.

He extended his hand to her sister. “Well met, Solia. I’ve waited sixteen hundred years to have a fellow warrior in the family.”

She didn’t take the offered wrist clasp. “I confess…” She made a seemingly deliberate pause, a strategist buying herself time to choose her words. “…when Karege regaled me with tales of the Lion of Orthros, I never imagined we would meet under these circumstances.”

How well Cassia understood what Solia must be thinking. Her sister did not know what to do with someone like Apollon. Not after the name Father had been dead to them for so long.

Apollon smiled at the flames dancing over Solia’s hands. Stone appeared on his palms, coating them like armor. He clasped her wrist, patting her fiery knuckles with his other hand. “Our bloodline is notorious for defying expectations. I hope you’ll feel right at home.”

Komnena pulled Lio and Cassia into an embrace then, pressing a tearful kiss to Cassia’s hair and Lio’s cheek.

“We’re all right, Mother,” he reassured her. “I’m so sor—“

“Now, now. Don’t apologize. Not when a mother’s worry is as natural as the rising of the moons. But do try to stay home for a while.”

When Cassia wrapped her arms around Apollon, he gave a delighted laugh of surprise.

He held her gently, and she felt engulfed in his steadiness. His words rumbled with deadly protectiveness that felt bigger than the desert. “I wish I had been with you in the Maaqul.”

“You were, Papa. Your kind words saw me through a very dark hour.”

He pulled Lio close. “Well, perhaps I have learned something from my son, if my words have become as helpful as my hammer.”

“No,” Lio replied, “I first learned kind words from you.”

“But I hear you have been letting your magic out, too.” Apollon grinned. “You must tell me all about your adventures.”

When their family turned Lio loose for a moment, he put his arms around Cassia. She could feel the relief in his body.

“Zoe had proved to be the greatest ambassador of us all,” Cassia said.

Oh, Goddess. Everyone Cassia loved would be together at last.

Solia was coming home.


Nights Until


16 Ourania, 1597 IS


Cassia could scarcely believe that Orthros was just on the other side of the spirit gate in front of her. The portal sparkled in the air like starlight on water, surrounded by fig trees in the Empress’s gate courtyard. After traversing the lands of the Empire, both dangerous and wondrous, the end of their journey would only take a few more steps.

Lio tucked her cloak around her. “Are you ready?”

“Let’s go home.” She burrowed in the bespelled silk, longing for Orthros’s frozen beauty.

Mak bumped her shoulder with his. “This time, your sister is coming with us.”

Cassia smiled at him. “We’ve done it. Both of our sisters are safe, just as we swore.”

Knight wagged his tail, interested in all the activity. Palace servants bustled past with their trunks, taking instructions from Komnena. Amid so many strangers, Zoe clung to Apollon, who kept whispering things that made her grin and giggle.

Solia strode into the commotion wearing in tall boots, Imperial trousers, and a long, high-collared Vardaran tunic. Her new sword was at her waist, the golden silk scarf fastened around her shoulders with an acacia brooch. With her came Kella, Hoyefe, Tuura, and Karege.