Cassia touched a hand to his. “You think he knows what you told Konstantina?”

“If so, he knows I am, in part, to blame for keeping him here, when he wants only to be in the field, looking for the hostages.”

“However he feels about it, you did what is right. He is safe.”

“I should talk to him.”

Cassia eased the scroll from Lio’s grip and put it away beside the warded bag. “That can wait until tomorrow. You’re starving.”

Lio couldn’t resist her invitation to enjoy this night just a little longer. He drew her into the library. “Do you want something to eat or something hot to drink before we go to bed?”

“Oh, no. I don’t think I could eat anything. You must be looking forward to ending your fast, though.”

“It’s been a long night.” He rubbed her tense shoulders. “My family can be rather overwhelming at times.”

“No, they are wonderful in every way. Your people are very…physical. They embrace. They show what they feel. When the children are loud, no one scolds them or commands them to be silent. Your dignified elders just smile and laugh and play with them. These are things I had no way to learn until now. I want to know how to show you the kind of affection you were raised to want from others.”

“Your affection, however you feel comfortable showing it, is what I want. You don’t have to work at it.”

“But this Hesperine way is wonderful to me. I want it to become my way.”

“Then I will shower you with it.”

“I will treasure this time, despite what hangs over us.”

He put his thumb to the furrow between her brows. “I am so sorry anything taints your time with us.”

“No, I won’t let it. I shall not allow anything to ruin this.” She reached up and touched his braid. “There is something I need to tell you. I have needed to say it since I came, but…I think now is finally the right time. I can’t wait any longer, Lio.”

He caught his breath, scenting her sweet distress and heated resolve. How he had waited for this! Yes, surely this would be the moment when she told him one part of the negotiations had been a success—his effort to persuade her to stay.

The most important part of the negotiations. They could weather whatever came. They could bear their fears and grief together. They could find a way through to joy.

He said their private invocation. “By our Oath, I am listening.”

“But it isn’t enough to say it.” She tangled her hands together, then unwound her fingers deliberately, hesitated, then reached out and rested her palms on his chest. “I have said things in the past that would give you cause to doubt my words. I must show you, so you know I mean what I say.”

He rested his hands on hers. “I never doubt your words.”

“This is different. This is so important. I’ve never said anything like this to anyone.”

Goddess bless. He could taste her words on his tongue, feel them in her aura already. Rich and powerful as her blood. How could she think he would doubt her, when she finally spoke aloud of what had been blossoming between them since the nights they had spent together in Tenebra?

“However you wish to show it or speak it, Cassia, I treasure all that you say to me.”

She took both his hands and pulled him further into the room. She led him to his desk. Bemused, he let her sit him down in his chair.

Still holding his hands, she slid to her knees before him, gazing up into his eyes. Cup and thorns, she didn’t have to say anything. Just that look she was giving him, that was a feast in itself.

Goddess, he was so fortunate. The way Cassia buried her hands in his hair promised he would count himself even more fortunate by the time she was done with him. She trailed her fingers over his scalp, and he shut his eyes to enjoy the sensation.

“Lio. Your mind is the most brilliant I have ever encountered. But its power has never frightened me. Only amazed me.” She slid her hands out of his hair to caress his brow. “I have always admired your wisdom and knowledge, which guide all your decisions.” She kissed both his eyes. “You have helped me see so many things clearly. Including…me.” Her fingers came to rest on his mouth, then her lips feathered kisses over his. “You were the first ever to speak your mind with me and make me feel safe speaking mine in return.”

He opened his mouth to speak, but she kissed him more deeply. With an effort, he kept his hands on the arms of his chair. It was so important to her to demonstrate what was in her heart tonight. He did not wish to disrupt this gift she was giving him.

She unfastened his collar slowly. “Your voice is magic to me. Bewitching, reassuring. Every time you speak, you seduce me, as surely as you make me feel that all is well.”

He held his breath as she kissed his throat. Slow and luxurious, she tongued his vein, sucking gently. Desire gripped him, and joy shivered across his skin. He knew what she was trying to say. He knew it.