She kissed her way down his chest. Over his heart, she halted. She rested her cheek against him there. He gazed down at her, feeling his heart beat against her skin.

“But it is your heart, Lio, where your greatest power lies. Your greatest strengths are your love for what is right, your courage in the face of wrong, your devotion to all you hold dear, and your ferocity in protecting it. I did not know someone so good-hearted existed in the world, until you proved all my bitter certainties wrong. You have confronted all that is ugly and cruel in our world, and you have proved those things have no power in the end, by the very fact that you continue to be kind.”

He could not refrain from lifting a hand to her head to hold her against him. “Thank you, Cassia.”

She looked up at him again, opening his robe further so she could slide her hand down his belly. “But there is another way you showed me how much real beauty there is in the world. Another way you gave back to me what ugliness seeks to ruin.”

She laid his robe open, baring him to her from head to toe. She wrapped her fingers gently around his rhabdos and slid her hand up and down his shaft. He gripped the arms of the chair once more, clenching his fingers upon the iron.

She ran her thumb along the length of his rhabdos, tracing his vein. “You showed me that desire is not a weapon. With you, I learned how divine passion can be. Every inch of your body is Sanctuary to me.”

He gasped, smiling around his fangs as they shot out of his gums. She kissed the head of his rhabdos, then drove her point home by taking into her mouth as much of him as she could hold. Pleasure tightened his skin and gripped his muscles, then flooded through his blood in a heated wave as she sucked him and pulled her head back. He braced his feet against the floor, and she supported him with her hands as he arched up out of the chair.

She loved him with her mouth in one long, deep adoration after another. She lulled his self-discipline into Slumber and brought his hunger wide awake. But he held on to his control. Just a little longer. This moment, this blessed instant in his eternity. He did not want it to end too quickly.

When his fangs unsheathed to their fullest and every hot, wet stroke of her tongue on his rhabdos was an agony, she withdrew her mouth and got to her feet before him. He bit back a groan, staring up at her with his rhabdos jutting between them.

The windows behind her were a vivid blur of light and color to his dilated eyes. Shards of light played about her as she disrobed before him. His senses raw with hunger, he gazed upon her bare body and braced himself to keep from climaxing at the sight of her.

She slid onto his lap and straddled him, holding her krana just out of reach. She caressed his face, tilting his head back, and teased his lips open with her fingers. She lifted her hand to his mouth and drew her palm across one of his fangs. She traced the tip of his tooth over the same place she had cut herself the first time he had smelled her blood. The very place she had opened her own flesh to feed the Hesperine magic that had saved them from Dalos.

He felt his fang open her skin. She flexed her hand, and warm, rich droplets of her blood slid into his mouth. He swallowed and parted his mouth for the next sip.

Cup and thorns, yes, at last, she eased her krana down upon his straining rhabdos. She began to ride him as slowly and thoroughly as she had pleasured him with her mouth. Swallow by swallow, she hand-fed him her blood while she worked the muscles inside her krana to massage his rhabdos within her.

“Open your mind to me,” she invited. “Feel what I am saying to you.”

He felt it. He knew it. He reached for it, surrendering to her irresistible profession.

When his mind touched hers, it was as if he tapped another vein. All that was inside her flooded out and into him. He felt her speaking to him in their Union, as surely as she spoke to him with her hands and her krana. In his mind, she whispered it. To his body, she showed him how it felt. In her heart, she declared it. And although he had believed he knew it well, she taught him anew what it meant, and he drank it down.

“I love you,” she said.

With that, she arched her back, stretching up toward him, and brought his face to rest upon her neck. With a cry, he gripped her to him and sank his fangs into her.

He had known pleasure, but this was ecstasy. It consumed every inch of his body and roused every ounce of his power and flooded every corner of their minds. They rocked together in the chair with the force of his climax, and he bit down with all the power inside him. He heard her cry out, and suddenly she was undulating in his arms.

Her love flooded his veins and became a part of him. Their natural union flared and pulsed within that vaster, deeper Union.

“I love you,” she said again. Nestled on his lap, damp and panting, she kept feeding him those words. “I love you so much I cannot contain it all. I fell in love with you before I even understood what was happening to me, and when I realized what it was, I felt as if all I’d thought impossible was suddenly true. As if all that was wrong could be righted.”

He framed her face with his shaking hands. “Thank you for describing it so perfectly. I have been struggling to put it into words myself.”

A stunning smile spread across her face, and she let out a beautiful laugh he would never forget.

“I love you,” he told her.

“I know. All this time, you have been loving me better than anyone ever has.”

Cassia, who believed in nothing, had faith in his love.

“I want to love you like that in return,” she said.

“Goddess, after tonight, I thinkImust catch up withyou.”

The last remnants of her fears faded from her aura. “In the past I said so many heartless things about how romance was nonsense. I feared I had cast doubt on any confession I might make in that regard.”

He shook his head. “You have shown me over and over again. You have risked your life for acts of love on my behalf. No one has ever loved me the way you do.”