Page 43 of Bite of the Vampire

They all began moving quietly through the broken part of the wall.

“I hope this isn’t another setup,” Arman said.

Jasmine agreed. But then she saw a body lying on the ground. “There’s a body.”

“A blood bond.” Levka looked at Caitlin.

“I didn’t do it.”

“He’s dead.” Stasio checked his wrist, feeling for a pulse. “Not asleep.”

“Someone else is here fighting them then for sure,” Ruric said.

They stayed together as a team, hoping that the other group of rebels wouldn’t think they were a part of the elder’s backup.

“Another body,” Arman said, “another blood bond.”

Jasmine knew the blood bonds wouldn’t be the trouble, except for alerting the vampires, but the vampires, they were the real threat.

Then they got closer to the rambling residence, but they didn’t see anyone to fight, and Jasmine wondered if the threat was already gone—if others had eliminated the elder. Or had the elder escaped and he wasn’t even here?

Then they reached the back of the estate and climbed up the stairs. They moved to the first window and peered inside the house. It appeared empty.

They drew closer to the back door and Caitlin opened it first.

Then she went inside to put anyone asleep that she could, or whatever she needed to do while Levka and the others moved into the house quickly. It was a big living area filled with couches and chairs, tables—an entertainment area for vampires to visit, while they enjoyed their blood hosts. It was devoid of people.

Then they heard a noise upstairs.

They hurried that way. Jasmine had really thought they weren’t going to have any fighting here at this rate, which suited her fine. If the other rebels had taken care of it, then her team could move to the next elder’s residence on the list.

They reached the stairs and Levka said,“Two of us together first.”

“With you,”Arman said.

They reached the landing and hurried down the hall. Caitlin turned off her invisibility spell so they could all see each other and coordinate better.

Everyone rushed upstairs after them. They headed for the first of the rooms and found a vampire who turned and hissed at them, but then he looked surprised and didn’t attack. “What are you doing here, William?”

Thankfully, Jasmine was thinking, he was one of Scotty’s people.

“We are here to terminate them. What are you doing here, Angus?” William asked.

“Terminating them before you arrived. Scotty said he was sending reinforcements when he could. I guess that means you.”

“Yeah. Did you find the elder?” William asked.

“No. Just his minions. The blood bonds don’t normally fight us, but this bunch did. Fatal mistake on their part. But we’re still fighting some of the elder’s vampires too. Glad you’re here to help.”

Then they started clearing rooms, two of the team members together at one time. Stasio and Jasmine stayed together when they found a secret passage to another room, opened the door and saw Levka and Caitlin.

“This is like a catacomb,” Stasio said.

“Yeah, let’s keep going,” Levka agreed, and they searched the next room and found another secret door, but this went into a corridor, not into another room.

They finally reached stairs. Jasmine didn’t like that they would be in a narrow hallway between the rooms and now hemmed into the stairs all bunched up.“The secret meeting rooms,”she said to her party.

They moved down the stairs and reached another long hallway, listening at doorways, not hearing anything. Then Jasmine opened a door and peered in. Three men were dead in there.