Page 42 of Bite of the Vampire

"I'm in," Jasmine said.

"I'm in," Stasio said. "If we can help get this turned around, we might have a safe haven here. Truly, we need a league that has more reasonable rules to live by."

"I agree." Ruric held up his phantom light saber. "I'm ready for the fight."

Arman shook his head. "I have bad feelings about this."

"I think I can help with this," Caitlin said.

"Okay, I'm in," Levka said.

Then Eleanor showed them photos of Accardi's estate.

"Blueprints?" Levka asked.

William came up with the blueprints and they all looked over them.

"I'll hit the electronics, security features, cell phones." Ruric was really good at it.

"I'll help to put whoever I can to sleep that is guarding the facility—or you know what? If they're human blood bonds, I can control their minds," Caitlin said.

"And make them fight their master and the other vampires protecting him?" Eleanor sounded shocked at the notion.

"Yeah. I've been practicing at it, and I can take care of a few that way," Caitlin said. "I can't make the vampires he has created turn on him and I can't really control other vampires in that way—yet but I can with the blood bonds."

“Should we get some rest and do this at dusk tomorrow?” Eleanor asked.

“He’ll have too much time to draw on reinforcements. We need to hit him tonight,” Levka said. “Caitlin, do you have enough blood?”

“Yes. I had some in the SUV.”

“Okay, Ruric, once you have the electronics taken down, we’ll go in this way.” Levka pointed to a place beyond the wall of the estate. “It looks like a secret tunnel into the estate, probably a way for the vampire to protect himself if anyone breaks into his place and he can go into hiding.”

“Right here.” William pointed to a dark spot in the area beyond the wall surrounding the elder’s estate. “That’s probably the entrance to the tunnel.”

“Let’s go,” Levka said.

Stasio prayed they succeeded in taking down the elder without any of their own people getting hurt.


Jasmine couldn’t believe she was involved in taking down an elder and his cohorts in Scotland. But she’d signed up for it, so she was totally onboard with them.

Then they left in the same SUV that they had come here in. Once they were close enough to the estate, Ruric worked his own kind of magic, but still far enough away that they wouldn’t be noticed. He created an illusion that made it seem as though their cell phones were working, the same with turning off the security systems, creating long loops for guards to monitor that wouldn’t tip them off that anyone was trying to enter the property.

“Done,” Ruric said.

“Let’s go,” Levka said.

William led the way to the location of what he thought would be the entrance to the tunnel when Jasmine found a break in the wall. “Hey, what about this?” she whispered.

“Is it recent?” Stasio asked.

“Yeah, like tonight recent. Do you think some more of the rebels have hit it?” Jasmine asked.

“That could cause us trouble if they’re already inside and have stirred up trouble before we can move in,” Levka said.

“Let’s go and not let them have all the fun, eh?” Stasio said.