Page 174 of No Rules

Oh, how lucky! An indoor pool. Who wouldn’t dream of that? Well, the bathtubs are already very good…

The first person that we cross is Sanchez, who greets us from afar, a chick on each side. I return the wave out of politeness while Tucker doesn’t even seem to notice. He stares at Dan, sitting on a couch, which seems to have been put in the middle of the garden just for the occasion.

Something is happening between the two of them. Dan closes up a little more each day, as if broken inside. I exchange a glance with Tucker and understand that they need to talk alone. He kisses me quickly and then whispers against my lips, “I’ll be back soon.”

Understanding, I simply nod and watch him walk away towards his best friend.

“Well…” starts a sour voice behind me. “Look at that. You’ve managed to get your hooks into him.”

I turn in Sarah’s direction, giving her my best smile. “Don’t waste your time trying to put me down, I really don’t care.”

She squints a little more and throws back a long brown lock of hair. When she crosses her arms, my eyes land on the sparkling watch she wears on her wrist.

“Pity. I pity you,” she laughs falsely. “I have no idea what he sees in you.”

I walk towards her, keeping a smile on my face even though I inwardly want to hit her. “I blow divinely well. What do you want, I have a tongue that does wonders.”

Her mouth opens but no sound comes out. She doesn’t have the time to answer me when steps are heard.

“My best friend!!”

I turn and see TJ, Yeleen on his heels. She practically jumps on me, stars in her eyes. “You guys are so fucking cute together. And I want you to make babies, lots and lots of babies, for fuck’s sake.”

I burst out laughing at her ridiculous remark but let her kiss me loudly on both cheeks. Sarah holds back from retorting and straightens her chin. TJ comes up to me, his mouth taut.

“I’m sooo happy,” he begins, imitating a girl’s voice. “Come and celebrate this soooo cute couple by kissing Uncle TJ.”

I mutter a curse and push him away gently, smiling nevertheless. What a bunch of crazies…I think I really like them. I look around but see no sign of Trey, Yeleen’s boyfriend. I know how hard it’s been between them. “No Trey tonight?”

The beautiful woman shakes her head gently with a contrite smile, and I understand that something happened between them.

“Come on, I’ll buy you a drink,” I say, pulling her after me.

“You’re at my place,” she laughs with a sad look.

“It doesn’t make any difference.”



Dan was gone before I got to him. I find him on the other side of the house, dragging on his joint. He stares at his feet, uninterested in the party going on a few feet away. He’s going off the rails again, just like the days after my little sister’s accident.

I know how much he loved her and how much he still does. When Debbie had her accident, at first he wanted to kill Matt. Then he started walking away from me and doing drugs.

I walk up to him, looking for his eyes.

“Aren’t you with your girl?” he asks me, handing me his joint.

I hesitate for a second but finally get it back and drag it. “I’ll join her later.”

He nods, taking the joint back and putting it in his mouth again.

“You okay, man?” I ask.

Stupid question, but damn, I feel like I’m losing my brother a little more every day, and it’s killing me. Because he’s my brother, he’s the one who’s been watching over me since I was a kid, and vice versa. We’ve lived a wild life together, and there’s no way I’m letting him go down again.

He laughs softly. “Of course I’m okay. Don’t worry about me.”