Page 173 of No Rules

The first thing I see is Abraham looking at some kind of screen, puzzled.

“No problem on the screen, sir. The vitals haven’t changed.”

I turn my head, and finally, I see it. Or rather…I see them. Tucker is checking a bunch of wires connected to…to a young woman lost in the middle of a huge bed. He touches the side of her face, checking that everything is in place. After thirty seconds, he sighs, reassured.

“Everything is well connected,” he continues, running a hand over her forehead.

Abraham doesn’t seem in the least bit shocked by his naked torso. He simply straightens up, resuming his position as a butler.

“It’s probably a problem from the machine. I’ll call to have it fixed, sir. It’s happened several times since yesterday.”

Tucker looks at his little sister and nods silently. The butler leaves the room, but I am unable to do the same. I stare at this man leaning over this little half-broken woman, whose life is hanging by a thread. And my heart melts a little more, painfully.

Tucker turns his head in my direction and finally notices me, standing in his doorway. I swallow and take a step towards him, seeing that he doesn’t reject me at all.

For a long time, we don’t talk. I look at Debbie, trying to recognize the girl I saw earlier in the picture. Her features are delicate, as fine as those of a doll. A doll that looks broken, lost in the middle of these white sheets, her eyes closed.

Tucker is standing next to her, gazing protectively at her. It’s like…like he’s waiting for me to speak.

The truth is, I want to cry and hug him. Why the fuck did life try to hurt us so much?

Finally, I spot a men’s baseball shirt hanging by the bed. A small, forced smile comes over my face.

“Really, huh?” I begin in a slightly shaky voice.

Tucker laughs softly. “My sister was…is my biggest fan. At least, before I got kicked off the team.”

He crosses his arms over his bare chest. I know the memories are flooding back to him. I then approach the bed.

“She’s beautiful, Tucker.”

He nods, silent. When I’m only a step away, I see him tense up again. But I want him to understand that he wasn’t wrong to trust me.

“Hi, Debbie,” I whisper softly. “I’m Iris, the one who puts up with your unbearable brother.”

A small sound comes out of his mouth, but his eyes shine with contentment. I watch his sister again, praying to the gods that she will wake up one day.

48. The Darkness


A few hours later, I’m singing the lyrics to Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s “Shallow” like crazy while Tucker mumbles that it’s going to rain.

I should be home working. Instead, Yeleen called us earlier and finally convinced us to join the party at her house. It’s a great day, and I want it to end on a high note. After the emotional time we had tonight, Tucker and I needed to clear our heads.

“‘In the shallow, shallooooooow,’” I continue while staring at the ceiling of the shower.

“Somebody get me a rope,” my boyfriend mutters.

I straighten up and throw my fist into his shoulder while he pretends to scream. “That’s good, die silently.”

“Please, join me in silence,” he begs me as I give him the finger while continuing to sing, not offended at all.

I know I have talent…it’s just hidden. Very, very deeply.

We arrive at a house that’s quite small if you compare it to the Bomley property but with a huge garden. From here, I can see that the party is happening at the back of the property. Tucker parks in front of the house, gets out, then puts his arm around my shoulders as I join him. The alcohol seems to be flowing. I can see a canopy of sorts on the east side of the house but no lights are on inside.

“This is the indoor pool,” Tucker tells me as he walks towards the entrance of the house.