Page 41 of My Mafia Chauffeur

"Why didn't you tell me about this ahead of time?" I almost barked at her when she came into my office to show me the planned changes.

"I thought you would be pleased, like a surprise. I'm sorry," she said flatly, looking defeated.

I realized how much I had hurt her with my sharp tone, and I felt terrible.

"Look, it's pretty. I like it, but please tell me the next time you plan to get creative. And please, before you leave, kindly call Michelle. I need to know why she's playing her music so loudly," I said as I dismissed her.

She left my office as white as a ghost, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt.Why the fuck was I being so harsh on her?I thought, as I spun my chair around in frustration. And it wasn't just Maria who was pissing me off. It was everyone in this goddamn office. Michelle and her loud music, Greg and his constant chit-chatting. I leaned back in my chair and let out a deep sigh, trying to calm myself down.

My thoughts kept drifting to my Anthony. He had driven my dad to his meetings this morning, and although Anthony had assured me that everything was fine, I couldn't help but worry.

I glanced out the window, hoping for a distraction from my negative thoughts. The street below was bustling with activity. People rushed back and forth, and cars honked their horns constantly.

And then, they caught my eye. Tank's men. They had been so subtle about following me, I had forgotten they were around me most of the time. I spotted the black sedan parked on the roadside, a couple of big guys loitering around it. It was reassuring to know that they were keeping an eye on me, but it also reminded me of the danger that I was in.

Just then, Michelle walked into my office, offering a nervous smile.

"I'm sorry the music is loud. Maria just told me about it," she said. "I’ll turn it off."

I was about to reply to her when my phone buzzed, interrupting my thoughts. It was a message from Anthony.

Anthony: I will be at your house at 7 p.m., babe. Be ready.

My heart skipped a beat at the flirtatious message. I quickly composed myself and looked up at Michelle.

"You know what, Michelle? I appreciate your initiative. The music is good for productivity. I'm leaving work early today. See you tomorrow," I said hastily as I gathered my bags, jacket, and phone off the table.

As I closed my office door, I pulled out my phone and dialed Rebecca's number. We had made plans to meet up later that day, but I needed a boost and hoped she could meet me earlier.

"Rebecca Lawson, can we pleeeeaaaasssse meet earlier today?" I said, trying to keep the desperation out of my voice. I glanced around at the office space, feeling like all eyes were on me.

My employees all eyed me nervously. I must have looked like a crazy person today because even Maureen, my social media manager, hadn’t come to my office for her usual TikTok video request. I couldn't blame them. I had been short-tempered and snappy all week.

Rebecca's voice crackled through the phone, the tinny sound making it hard to hear her properly. "Why? I thought you wanted to bury yourself in work until later?"

I took a deep breath, my heart racing with excitement. I had a feeling something prominent was about to happen between Anthony and me, and I couldn't wait to find out what it was.

"I don't know. I just feel like tonight might be the night. Can we meet earlier? Maybe do a little shopping at Victoria's Secret or something?" I lowered my voice to a whisper, feeling slightly embarrassed by my request.

Becca let out a loud, high-pitched squeal that nearly deafened me.

"Oooooohhhh!" she shrieked. "I'm on my way! I need to hear the full story!"

I chuckled, feeling my nerves settle a little. Becca always had a way of calming me down and making me feel like everything was going to be okay.

"Wait… wait," I said, dragging out my words. "Half of this is probably just my imagination."

"But you feel it, don't you?" Becca interrupted. "Instincts are never wrong."

I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. "Yeah, I do. Let's meet at the mall then."

"On my way!" Becca exclaimed, and I could hear her rustling around in the background, grabbing her purse and keys. She was always ready to go at a moment's notice.

As I hung up the phone, I glanced around the small office again. My employees were all staring at me with interest, no doubt wondering what was going on. I gave them a pointed look, silently telling them to get back to work.

I ordered a cab to take me to the mall, my mind racing with possibilities, not all of them what I hoped for. But I couldn't let that stop me. Whatever was going to happen tonight, I was going to be ready for it. I knew that Tank's men were probably preparing to move as well.

When I arrived at the mall, Becca was already there practically bouncing with excitement. We hugged each other tightly, making a scene in the middle of the bustling shopping center. It felt like I hadn't seen her in years even though we had just hung out the week before.