Page 40 of My Mafia Chauffeur

I drove to the mansion and went directly to the boss's office. The door was slightly ajar, so I pushed it open to reveal the room.

I stood in front of the boss’s desk, looking around for any signs of his whereabouts. His laptop was open, and a vase of wilted flowers sat to one side, waiting to be discarded. I cleared my throat, hoping to get his attention.

"I dropped Laura off at home. The trip was smooth," I said, trying to fill the silence in the room. "Nothing unusual?"

The Boss suddenly rose from the floor behind his desk, wiping his hands on a cloth. His face was unreadable, and I couldn't tell if he was pleased or disappointed with my report.

"Nothing?" he asked, his tone flat.

"Nothing," I replied, trying to sound confident. "Everything went as planned."

He nodded, his eyes still fixed on me. "You can leave then," he said finally, and I felt a tremendous sense of relief.

As I walked across the foyer and out the front door, the air was thick with tension, and there was a remnant smell of cigar smoke.

I stepped into the oversized garage and felt my phone buzz in my pocket. The message was from an unknown number, and it simply read, "Let's meet up". My heart began to race as I tried to make sense of the message. Who could it be, and why did they want to meet me? The possibilities were endless, but none of them seemed to bode well.

As I looked around nervously, my eyes caught sight of Tank. He was standing on the right side of the garage signaling to me. I signaled back. At least I knew that if things went wrong, I could count on him to have my back now. As I rechecked my phone, another message appeared, "Tiny's. After work. Tank."

I was eager to leave work to see what Tank had to say. I called for a taxi and instructed the driver to take me to Tiny's, a restaurant that I had never been to before. The taxi driver maneuvered through the busy streets, eventually arriving at the entrance of Tiny's.

As I got out of the taxi, I noticed two bald, muscular men standing outside the entrance. I assumed they were the bodyguards that Tank had arranged to accompany me. Although I felt a little uneasy about being followed around, I knew that I was in good hands.

I entered Tiny's and took a seat at a booth across the room. I chose a spot that was concealed enough so that nobody could see us yet close enough to the main door to keep an eye on who was entering or make a quick getaway if necessary. I sent Tank a message letting him know that I had arrived.

I had heard around the workplace that Tank had a taste for high-end things, and that rumor was confirmed now. I looked around the restaurant, and it seemed like the type of place that people would choose for a marriage proposal. No wonder everyone secretly called him “The Boujee." He was definitely always outdoing himself.

I ordered a drink, trying not to look too out of place. Fifteen minutes later, Tank arrived and spotted me. He walked towards my table and sat down, signaling for the waiter to bring him a menu. He gave me a strange look as I stared at him.

"I'm going to eat something even if you don't want to, Anthony," he said. "But remember, your problem is more than food. You have to fuel yourself. They have the best food here. You will be amazed.” I almost rolled my eyes at him. If the food at a restaurant like that didn’t taste nice, then what exactly was their purpose? Aesthetic? I swear I was not in the mood for all of this pomp and circumstance.

"You need to tackle James in the best way possible. You know you can't keep running from him." Tank implored.

Tank's drink arrived, and he smiled at the waitress before dismissing her. He took a sip of his drink before continuing.

"You need to handle James right. He's not just someone who will give up. Do you know why I called you out separately?" I shook my head in response.

"It’s because only your courage can end this madness," he said. "James is the least of your problems. What about speaking with the boss?"

Tank's words lingered in the air, and I felt a sense of unease settle in my stomach. The thought of revealing the truth to the boss was terrifying, but I knew that I had to do something to end this madness.

"That's easier said than done, Tank," I replied, my voice laced with a hint of frustration. "Do you expect me to just walk up to him and ask for a meeting?"

Tank leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on mine. "You have no option, Anthony. Boss is chill, too. Boss isn't as scary as people make him out to be. He's more like a businessman trying to make a living. People exaggerate. Not many people have worked closely with him, but he won't kill you for going out with his daughter. Trust me, Anthony. And you know nothing about the organization for him to want you dead."

I let out a heavy sigh, feeling the weight of the situation settle in.

"Okay, Tank. I'll do it," I said, my voice sounding more confident than I felt. "But what about James? He's still a problem."

Tank nodded, his expression serious. "Both of you need to report him. If he's a threat to Boss's daughter, I doubt Boss will let that pass. Just be careful, Anthony. James isn't someone to mess with. You can't handle him. Not many people can handle him."

I took a deep breath and felt a sense of determination settle in. I realized that, while it was not the best option for me, it was the only option. Tank was right. It was time to face my fears and take control of the situation. I finished my drink and headed home, leaving Tank alone to finish off his extravagant meal.

Chapter eighteen


Work was not where I wanted to be right now. The walls were beige, the carpet was dull, and the only color in the room was the green of my potted plant, which seemed now to be dying, slowly but surely. I used to like my office just fine, but Maria, the receptionist, had chosen to remodel the lobby of this tiny office space. I could hear the sounds of her hammering and drilling away in the next room, trying to make the space look more professional.