Page 43 of Legend

I let out a grunt of frustration and stalk back into the stadium, knowing this is either going to go very badly and cock things up between us for good, or maybe…it could change things for the better.

The training facilities and locker room are just as empty as when I left, but when I move towards the showers, I can hear water running and I know Archie must be in there.

I stalk down the rows of stalls until I find the shower he’s standing under. He’s got his back to me, his shoulders slumped over, head resting against the tiles as the water sluices over his incredible body. It’s the polar opposite of the Energizer bunny with the contagious smile I’m used to seeing, and the sight makes my heart hurt.

“You didn’t,” I say gruffly.

He jolts in surprise, no doubt alarmed to realise I’m standing right behind him. “What the fuck?” he turns around, mouth gaping open when he sees me. “What are you doing here?”

I step into the shower, barely even registering that my clothes are getting soaked. “You didn’t misinterpret anything. Or misread any signals.”

His brow furrows in an adorably puzzled expression as he glances down at my feet. “You’re ruining really expensive shoes.”

“I don’t give a fuck about the shoes, Archie,” I growl. “I just—I’m sorry for freaking out when you kissed me. And I wanted—no,needed—you to know it wasn’t because I didn’t want you to. Trust me, I really, really wanted you to.”

He blinks at me slowly, as if in a daze. “You…did?”

“Fuck yeah.”

Before he has a chance to ask for clarification, I pounce on him. I’m sure there’ll be plenty of time for more freaking out and explanations later, but right now I just can’t have his beautiful naked body right here in front of me and not touch it.

I shove him back against the wall, my hands greedily roaming over his wet skin as I devour his mouth in a hot, desperate kiss that he eagerly returns.

“Jesus,” he gasps. “Shit. You’re all wet.”

I let out a soft chuckle and squeeze his arse. “So are you.”??

“Yeah, but…you’ve got clothes on.”

I smirk at him. “Is this you asking me to strip?”

He flashes a bright grin. “I’m only thinking of your comfort.”

With a wry shake of my head, I somehow manage to pry my hands from his body and quickly strip out of my wet clothes. Yeah, pretty sure those trainers are destroyed. Ah well, my sponsor will be happy to send me a new pair.

Once I’m naked, I move in on Archie again, but he holds out an arm to stop me.?

“Hang on. I need a moment to appreciate this,” he says, his heated gaze tracking up and down the length of my body.

“You can appreciate it later,” I say gruffly, batting his hand away as I step closer and push him back against the wall, moulding my body against his.?

“Okay, yeah, good plan…”

I take his chin in my hand and fix him with a curious look. “You really never stop talking, do you?”

“Not really, no. Mum says I could talk under wat—mm,”he breaks off as I crash my lips to his again, delving my tongue inside his mouth to twine with his in a heady, intoxicating dance.

Bloody hell, everything about this feels amazing.? The feel of his hard body under my fingers, the taste of his tongue, our cocks grinding against each other. It’s incredible.

“Fuck…Jesus…Tom,”he groans against my lips. Then, in a move that surprises me, he grabs a firm hold of my hips and turns us around so I’m the one being shoved against the wall now. Then he starts kissing his way down my body until he’s on his knees in front of me.

“Bloody hell, that’s a nice prick,” he murmurs, staring hungrily at my cock. “I really want to suck it.”

“I’m not going to stop you,” I say wryly, reaching out to run my fingers through his wet hair.

He leans into the touch, closing his eyes and nuzzling his head against my hand as though he’s a kitten getting his fur stroked. Bloody hell, he’s adorable.

“Are you going through with the?blowy, or are you just going to sit there getting petted?”