Page 44 of Legend

His eyes fly open and he fixes me with a bright smile. “Can I do both?”

Fucking hell, that smile. When he hits me with that smile I can’t for the life of me remember why I ever thought this would be a bad idea. “Yeah, babe, you can do both.”

I groan and my head falls back against the tiles as his hot mouth closes over the head of my cock. I reach for him with my other hand, all ten of my fingers threading through his wet hair as he licks and sucks and moans around my dick.

Jesus Christ, the sight of him like that, eagerly sucking me down as though it’s something he’s been dreaming about doing for years—it’s hard not to let it go to my head. “Shit, you’re good at that,” I groan. Which only seems to make him more eager, taking me further down his throat until he’s practically choking on my length.

“Fuuucckkk…Archie, babe, you don’t—”

My attempt at gallantry goes ignored as he continues to suck and swallow me down, his hands gripping my arse firmly to prevent me from pulling away.

And I snap. My hands are no longer threading through Archie’s hair in a gentle caress, but tugging on it with a tight grip as I snap my hips, fucking his throat.

The orgasm hits me in a blind rush, and before I even have a chance to shout out a warning, I’m coming hard down Archie’s throat, and he’s sputtering and coughing and nearly bloody choking on my load. Christ, that’d be right—first sexual encounter I’ve had in years and I almost kill the bloke.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck—I’m so sorry,” I ramble, crouching down in front of him and wrapping my hands around his face.?

He grins at me. “Why?”

I just blink at him. He must have lost a few brain cells in the near death experience. “For being so rough—”

“Fuck, don’t apologise,” he says with a wry chuckle. “It was hot as fucking hell.”

My brows draw together in confusion. “Really?”


“But I didn’t warn you I was coming. You nearly choked to death on my jizz.”

He laughs again. “That would have made for an interesting headline.”

The mention of headlines makes me cringe inwardly, because even without the near death-by-jizz experience, this whole encounter would make for a very interesting headline. Archie Milligan gives Tom Whitford a cheeky blow job in the Farleigh Road showers—who wouldn’t want to read about that?

I push the thought from my mind for now, though. It’s something we need to talk about, but it can wait. Right now, I have a favour? to return.?

I get to my feet and tug Archie up with me, dragging his lips to mine again as my hand slips between us to wrap around his hard, throbbing dick.?

He groans into my mouth as I stroke him, the water from the shower—which is miraculously still warm—sluicing all around us.?

“Fuck, so close…” he murmurs, tearing his lips from mine and burying his head in my neck.

I stroke him harder, holding him tight as he gets closer to the edge. He nuzzles harder into my neck, his grip on my body bruising as the orgasm hits.

I let go of his dick and lift my hand to run through his hair, brushing soft kisses to the side of his face.

It takes him a long moment to gather himself, and then he lifts his head. “Please, please, please tell me that wasn’t just some random one-time thing,” he begs, eyes shut tight as though he can’t bear to look at me while there’s so much uncertainty in the air.

“And walk away before I know what it feels like to be buried in this arse?” I ask, lowering my hand so I can slide a finger lazily between his cheeks, which prompts him to shiver. “I don’t think so.”

He lets out a breath of visible relief before the characteristic grin returns to his face. “Just so you know, my arse is kind of like Pringles. Once you pop, you can’t stop.”

I let out a bark of laughter, shaking my head wryly. “I’ll consider myself duly warned.” I brush a soft kiss to his temple. “I’m really sorry for freaking out yesterday. There are reasons, and I think we definitely still need to discuss them. But I want this,” I assure him. “I want you.”

Chapter sixteen


“Youhaveme,”Isay, nodding my head emphatically. “You really fucking have me and you can have me now.” I press a kiss to his neck, just as the shower starts to cool. “Yeah, maybe not here. I don’t have any supplies on me right now because why would I? And hypothermia isn’t my kink. Is it anyone's? How about we go back to yours? I’d say we could go back to mine but my mum has Kelly and Linda round for book club on a Tuesday night. Plus my bed is a bit squeaky, although it would be kind of fun have you fuck me in my childhood bedroom with posters of you watching us.” Fuck, I really need to stop talking.