Page 35 of Code Name: Phoenix

He grabs one of her wrists and secures it quickly so she feels the jerk of being tied down. She fights to keep her other arm, her last bit of freedom, away from his grasp.

He effortlessly reaches under her and pulls her arm out with ease.

Her body has exhausted itself.

Now it’s just her mind.

He drops his voice down low, forcing her to focus on his words. “We could have done this the easy way. Now we’re going to do it my way. Just remember, you brought this on yourself. It’s time to sing, my little blue jay.”

He roughly secures her wrist into its final position, and she no longer has the freedom to move. Her body tenses as all three men step back.

Grizz and Hunter resume their spots on the wall, while Logan remains close. He towers over her in a show of dominance, and she lifts her head to look at her hands in their restraints.

Tentatively, she attempts to pull her arms back to her, then she jerks her body.

As Logan starts with his interrogation, my phone, which Logan retrieved from Jessa earlier, rings in my pocket. Link’s information flashes on the caller ID, and I hope he has something we can use to question her with.

“Sorry, Jack. Logan isn’t answering. We’re working to secure everything. I wanted to tell him the hack didn’t come from your phone.”

The room tilts as I pause before diverting my full attention from Jessa to Link. “What? But then how did she—”

Link jumps in. “That’s the thing, Jack. The initial breach came from near the file room.”

“I don’t understand.” Neither Jessa nor Dana have been on that side of the base yet. Not even close.

“Jesus, Jack. I don’t know how to say this.” Link’s tone is strained. “The malware that initiated the breach tonight was uploaded to a file on our servers shortly after we established operations here—five years ago. It sat dormant, waiting for access, and last night it was granted.”

“Could she have granted access?” I ask, not sure I want to know the answer.

“I’m confident it wasn’t her. I reviewed the tapes; she only grabbed your phone. She had no access to anything else, and I ran your records. From the time she had it until you and Logan retrieved it and turned it on, she didn’t use it. She didn’t even attempt to power it up. She’s telling the truth. I need to get back to this. I’ll update when I know more.” The click in my ear signals the end of our conversation, but the shock of his findings stuns me, and I stare stupidly at my phone.

I’m suddenly jolted back to our present situation with a gut-wrenching scream.

When I look back into the interrogation room, I find Logan fighting to hold Jessa down as she screeches out another wail, and this time it registers.

She’s yelling my name.

“Jack, I need to sedate her.” Logan is looking into the glass.

I move quickly to the cabinet on the wall in the observation room. Grabbing a small medical bag, I run to the interrogation room to find all three men holding her to the table as she fights hard to escape.

Anger surges through my veins. “What the hell,” I growl, but Logan stops me.

“No time. She’s going to hurt herself on the ties if she keeps struggling. I need it now,” he yells at me above her screams.

I unzip the bag, pull out a syringe, and search for the vial I need.

“No, get the midazolam. She’s struggling too much for a needle,” Logan shouts as he continues to use most of his weight to keep her down. He holds her arms in place so she can’t slice her wrists against her binds.

Dropping the syringe, I pull out a small bottle and twist off the cap as I slide toward Jessa. Handing the bottle to Logan, I take his place pinning her down, and he tilts her head up and slides the tip into one of her nostrils to shoot the mist into her nasal cavity.

As soon as it’s in, he drops the bottle and covers her mouth so her only option is to breathe in through her nose.

“She’s already exhausted. This should only take a couple of minutes.” Logan’s voice is all business, but confusion mars his features.

What triggered this level of anxiety in her?

Minutes feel like hours as her body slowly loses the last of its strength. She’s no longer articulate, and her eyes are vacant.