Page 34 of Code Name: Phoenix

Logan steps cautiously toward Jessa, and she nervously shifts in place. Her poker face is gone, and her eyes dart around the room. All signs point to extreme anxiety, and I’m beginning to worry about her.

Logan isn’t backing down.

He’s locked into her fear, and he keeps pushing.

Why wouldn’t he? This is where he reigns. Dealing with disobedience and doling out pain and punishment is his specialty.

Jessa is cornered.

Her fear has gripped her, and this is where Logan has her. He won’t let her escape behind her guarded façade.

“Sit down now, and we’ll pretend like this never happened.” He gives her an out she is too far gone to use.

She will defy him, and he will show her what he’s capable of. Then we’ll know everything. Her fight is futile. She just doesn’t know it yet.

From her left, Hunter makes a motion to move on her, but he pulls back just as she draws her arm back to strike. Grizz jumps in from behind, grabbing her wrist and holding her in place.

“NO! DON’T!” she cries as Logan moves directly in front of her, cupping his fingers under her chin and lifting her head up to force her to meet his eyes.

He looks at her for a few long seconds.

“You’re hiding something from me, and I’m going to find out what it is.” Then he speaks to our men without looking away. “Tie her to the table.”

At his quick escalation, everyone in the room freezes.

Everyone except Jessa.

She’s struggling in Grizz’s arms. Her crazed eyes flit around the room, but she isn’t focusing on anything. My heart breaks over the tough road she chose to walk.

Instead of fighting, she tries to pull away and sink into herself.

“Please. Don’t do this.” She is in a state of panic, and a bad feeling creeps into my bones.

Jessa is tired. More than tired. Her body and mind are exhausted, and I realize neither of the women have eaten since we took them. All of this will work in Logan’s favor, but not Jessa’s.

Logan towers over Jessa’s trembling form. Grabbing her wrist tight over Grizz’s grip, he takes his belt back from her and doubles it over before holding it in front of her face. “You’re very good with my belt. Now it’s my turn.” He bites out his words, then motions to Grizz to move her to the table.

She jerks back as the front of her thighs hit the cold metal surface.

“Please, don’t do this. Help me. No.” She’s pleading now, and I reach for the door handle, but her next words sober me in place. “No, Max. Don’t do this.”

Her body visibly trembles, and Logan shoots a warning glare to the mirror.

Stay put.That’s the message I get loud and clear, and it takes everything I have not to go to her.

Something is wrong.

Jessa’s fighting something that none of us see, and for all five and a half feet of her, she is extremely strong in her duress. It takes all three men to subdue her.

“Get the restraints,” Logan barks to Hunter, who breaks away from the group and moves quickly to the box in the corner as Jessa struggles to break away.

Hunter secures each ankle to a leg of the table. Then he moves to hand Logan the last two zip ties before taking over Logan’s spot holding Jessa down.

Grizz watches as he holds Jessa in place. He’s unsure of Logan’s approach since we’ve never done anything like this before. I stay still, certain that this interrogation won’t go much further.

This isn’t who we are.

As he moves around the table, Logan’s eyes don’t leave Jessa. Her use of Max’s name isn’t lost on either of us. He’s carefully trying to determine the best way forward with her in the headspace she’s in.