Not wasting any time, Logan ends the call. Then he looks back at me, steeling his expression, but I already know what he’s thinking. The only change here is Jessa and Dana, and my stomach sours at the thought that I might be wrong about them.
“Jack.” I cringe inwardly at my name. It’s not so much my name as the way Logan is saying it. He’s trying to prepare me for the worst-case scenario. “I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt—for you—but you need to understand we have a mission, and we need to know who is currently infiltrating us.” He’s talking to me like I’m a rookie, and I’m near the end of my patience.
I reach into my pocket to grab my phone. I need to get Hunter in here to help us figure out what is going on.
That’s when I notice it—or the lack of it.
I check two more pockets, and my heart sinks into my stomach. Logan notices the change and aims a silent, questioning look in my direction.
“My phone. I don’t have my phone.”
Judging by Logan’s clenched jaw, he’s trying really hard to maintain his composure. “Where did you last have it?”
I don’t want to answer him, but I need him to run this show. I won’t stand in his way if his hunch is correct.
“With Jessa, in her room. Before we—”
Logan doesn’t wait for the sordid details, and I’m thankful I’m not spelling it out.
He clicks away at his keyboard and pulls up the security footage to the moment I told Link to block access to Jessa’s room. I dropped the phone on the table just before the screen went dark.
Less than a minute later, the feed comes back to life to show me removing Jessa’s towel.
As he types away, the images on the screen fast-forward. When Grizz enters the room to speak to me, Logan slows it back down.
My phone is still on the table when Grizz and I exit to give Jessa time to dress.
Just as I think that I’ll go and retrieve it from the room myself, I watch the expression on her face change.
She’s noticed the phone.
A voice in the back of my head silently pleads with her to leave it be, but as I hear the sound of the door opening through the speakers, my world comes crashing in on me.
In an instant, she’s hidden then pocketed the phone, making the choice to hide it from Grizz.
She could have left it on the table.
She could have handed it to Grizz.
She could have asked to see me.
She could have done so many things.
But she didn’t.
Logan kills the feed with a scowl on his face.
Any kindness he may have reserved for Jessa is gone.
I don’t even know what I’m going to say next, but he isn’t interested.
“Enough, Jack. She has your phone. A known hacker has your phone, and our systems are being breached by an outside server as we speak.” He picks up his phone and barks his orders. “Grizz, meet me at the girls’ holding cell, and tell Hunter to prep interrogation room one immediately.”
Stepping out from behind his desk, he walks past me. As he reaches the door, he turns to me with a grim expression.
“I highly encourage you to sit this particular interrogation out, Jack. You are not to interfere. Remember that.” Without another word, he turns to leave, and I follow him quietly down the hall.