Page 31 of Code Name: Phoenix

I saw her betrayal with my own eyes.

I need to know what’s going on, and I’m too close.

I’ll let him question her.

I won’t get in his way this time, no matter what happens.



I swear I’ve just closed my eyes when the door swings open and collides with the wall. Bright light from the hall streams into the room, disorienting me.

My whole body is exhausted, and even though I just fell asleep, my mind works to remember where I am.

One set of hands reaches out from the blinding light, picking me up out of my bed as Dana argues in the background.

“What’s going on? Leave her alone.” The panic in her tone jolts me conscious, and when I look past the burly man holding me up, I see Logan enter the room with Jack trailing quietly behind—and he looks rough.

“We’re here for Jay. It’s time to talk. You stay out of this.” Logan’s voice is cold, and a sudden fear grips me as I scramble to work out what has caused this change in our situation.

“Like hell you are. We’ve been cooperating. She needs to sleep. Look at her.” There is fear in Dana’s voice as she argues, and I realize I must be more out of it than I think I am.

Logan steps to me as he nods to the guy holding me, and the grip on me loosens.

“Sleep is for those who deserve it.” Logan gets in my face. “Tell me, Blue Jay, do you feel youdeserveto sleep?”

Something is definitely off, but my tired brain won’t focus enough to sort it out. Jekyll is angry, and Jack is keeping out of it.

I open my mouth to speak, and Logan answers my unasked question for me.

Reaching around my waist and into my back pocket, he pulls something out. I try to focus on the item in his hand.

Then everything floods back to me.

I remember the choice I made—the wrong choice.

Dread grips me.

“I can explain…” I look over to Jack, who is still standing in the same place. He’s detached from me and from the connection we just forged together. “Jack, I—”

“Jack isn’t the one you are going to explain everything to.” Logan steps between us, breaking our connection and demanding my attention. “And trust me, you are going to tell me everything I want to know.” The threat in his voice tells me he keeps his word, and for the first time since the farmhouse, fear truly sets in. Straightening up, Logan takes a step back and looks to the man holding me. “Grizz, take her to room one.”

A jerk on my arm sets me in motion, but my feet move in more of a shuffle as I struggle to follow. My body and mind are wholly exhausted. I’m not prepared to talk.

Grizz grabs my free arm with his other hand and almost lifts me to move me out of the room.

As I’m pulled down the hall, the men file out after me. Dana yells something back in the room, but I can’t make it out.

Above everything, the one thing that breaks through my exhaustion and sticks with me, the only thing I see right now, is the pain on Jack’s face over my betrayal.

The walk was painfully long, and I tried to keep up so I didn’t have to be carried.

When we enter the last room, Hunter, the one who walked me to the shower earlier, stops what he’s working on and moves out of the way to allow Grizz some space to force me to sit.

The light in the room is bright—painfully bright—and I blink, struggling to adapt.

Grizz steps back, joining Hunter against the wall.