Page 38 of Code Name: Phoenix

“It’s okay,” I say. “I’ll be fine. Why don’t you grab a cup of coffee and come back and join us? Is that okay?” I offer as an option.

Logan shrugs, and Jack considers it. Their mutual stare is intense, but Jack’s lips remain sealed, keeping all the things he wants to say locked away in his head.

Leaning in, he places a soft kiss on my forehead before walking toward the door. When he glares at his partner, Logan doesn’t flinch.

“Shall we?” His cordial tone is such a contrast to yesterday, and I wonder if anyone really knows the real Logan.

Exchanging the bed for the couch, I tuck one leg under me and sit down, blowing on my coffee and enjoying the smell. Logan sits on the other side of the couch, placing distance between us.

Stealing a glance at Jack’s friend while he makes himself comfortable, I see a lot of similarities between them. They carry themselves in almost the same way. Logan’s every move is methodical, yet, if I hadn’t met him before, I would say he is extremely personable right now.

Logan unzips his jacket and leans back against the couch to get comfortable. Matching him, I attempt to relax into the cushions. The ridges in his shirt show an athletic build. My eyes travel up until I meet his gaze and realize he’s been doing the same to me.

The silence is right at the border between natural and awkward when he breaks it.

“What’s the last thing you remember from last night, Jessa?” He’s using my name. Not my nickname, not the name he gave me, but my name, and his voice is full of concern.

Something tells me whatever answer I give isn’t going to be the right one, so I look into my coffee for a quiet minute as I try to remember.

The last thing I remember is being in the room with Dana. I remember being tired, and we went to sleep.

But I know that can’t be all of it.

Dana didn’t wake up in our room this morning.

Looking down at the couch, I realize it’s me who isn’t in the same room. Our room didn’t have a couch.

“I’m in a different room.” I say it as a statement, but I mean it as a question.

“Yes. But you don’t remember how you got here. What is the last thing you remember?” He repeats his question.

“Falling asleep with Dana in a different room.”

Now I’m worried, and I know it’s written all over my face. Jack has his phone back. I have marks all over my wrists, and I’m in a different room.

His eyes don’t leave me, and his face is unreadable. “It’s okay, Jessa. I want to help you. I think, in the end, we both want the same thing.” The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. As I remember they have their own agenda, and I’m merely a pawn, my guard slowly returns, and I wonder if he notices.

“And what is that?” I ask slowly as my eyes leave his and move to my coffee. I was never good at staring contests.

He answers without hesitation. “We both want Maxwell and every part of his operation completely gone and your freedom to do as you wish.”

This guy is good.

“Really? Are you honestly telling me you’re interested in my freedom? There is no such thing as amnesty for people like me.” I pause, looking for a sign that he disagrees, but he doesn’t offer one. “My skills have reduced me to nothing more than a tool to be used. Zane works hard to keep us hidden. When Maxwell is gone, another will come looking for us in his place. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t do everything in your power to keep me even if you knew where Zane was.”

I’m proud of my calm composure. There is no anger in my tone.

His eyes land on me as he considers my words. He knows I’m right. I’m currently his prisoner, and even if there was no reason to keep me any longer, he wouldn’t let me go.

“I get it. I’ve accepted it. No one else made the choices that led me to Zane, thereby making me a priceless commodity. You didn’t come here to talk about my freedom.”

A devious smile creeps across his lips. “You are very perceptive. I see why Jack cares for you.”

“Did I hear my name?” Jack calls from the doorway, pulling our attention away from each other.

“Ah, good. I was waiting for you before we continued. I thought you’d want to be here for the next part,” Logan answers, then turns back to me. Pulling his phone out of his jacket, he continues, his voice still comforting, “Jessa, something did happen last night. But before I show you, I have one last question. What happened when Maxwell had you for those seven days Dana told us about?”

As my grip around my mug tightens, my body turns heavy, and I force my expression to stay in place.