Page 37 of Code Name: Phoenix

Inching his body back and dropping his head, he takes a long look at me. “Dana’s in her own room. Logan thought you might want some privacy after last night.”

Confusion swirls around me, and I think out loud. “Why would I want privacy? Did someone move me? Or did someone move Dana?”

His hesitation sets off warning bells, and I struggle to remember what happened after I was brought into Dana’s room.

I attempt to sit up, and a throb at the back of my skull makes me wince. I lift my hand to my face to hold the pain back, and that’s when I see them.

Thin red lines circle my wrists. Some more prominent than others.

“What the…” I pull my other hand out from under the sheet to examine it. The marks are there too. “What happened?”

Jack doesn’t answer.

His body has gone tense around me.

Something obviously happened last night, and I don’t remember any of it.

Before I ask my next question, the door swings open, and Logan walks into the room carrying two mugs.

The smell of chocolate fills my nose, and I push myself up and swing my legs over the side of the bed.

“Jack told me once that you used to love his morning coffee, and his secret was adding cocoa powder and a little caramel. I had to improvise and use Grey’s caramel ice cream topping.” He rolls his eyes and continues, “You’ll have to tell me how this measures up.”

I reach for the mug but pull my hand back.

Logan’s different.

Something happened since I last saw him.

We stare at each other for a long minute. The smell calls to me again, and I reach for the coffee. Then I remember.

I have Jack’s phone.

“Wait. Jack, I just remembered. I’m sorry. I was so tired last night. I took your phone. I swear I didn’t use it.” I hope he believes me as I reach around to my pocket to pull out something that isn’t there. “Um, just a minute. I must have dropped it in my sleep.” I pat down the sheets.

Both men exchange a glance, and I hope I haven’t lost what little trust they had in me.

“It’s okay, Jessa.” Jack’s smile has always calmed me. My confused look must have been an invitation to continue, and he does. “It was returned to me last night.”

I feel like I’m missing something. Like I’m the only one not in on the whole story. My confidence slips as I slouch back, but Logan pulls me back to his conversation.

“Here.” He hands the coffee over, and I lift it to my nose to smell it before taking a sip. Jack’s coffee was always my favorite. “Just wait a bit. It’s hot.”

“Is that mine?” Jack asks as he swings his legs over the side of the bed and into his shoes.

“No. Go get your own,” Logan answers incredulously, not taking his eyes off me. “I thought Jessa and I could have a little talk.” He raises the second mug, claiming it as his own.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” Jack sets his palm on my lap.

“Jessa’s okay with me. We’ll sit over there.” Logan tilts his head in the direction of a sofa. When I look back to Jack, he isn’t quick enough to hide the uncertainty in his eyes. “I’ll leave the door open, and I’ve granted your phone access to the security feed. You can keep an eye on us and send in that delightful friend of hers if you’re not happy.”

I snort into my cup at the absurd thought of Dana beingdelightfulto anyone here.

I still don’t know what’s going on, but I have a feeling that Logan, in all his abrasiveness, is going to tell me.

Jack has made it his priority to protect me, and I need to know what happened so I can figure out how to deal with it.

As Jack leans forward to speak for me, I grab his arm to get his attention, and he immediately stills and turns to me.