With his eyes half-lidded with lust, he cups my cheeks and kisses me as he walks me backward and slams the door closed with his foot. He devours my lips, his hands moving to my ass and lifting me up so I can wrap my legs around his waist.
I run my nails over the short stubble on his head, loving the roughness on my way up and the silky softness on my way down. If I could do one thing for the rest of my life, it would be to kiss this man because it’s never just a kiss. It’s domination, a takeover of everything that is me—my senses, my emotions, my body, my mind. He consumes them all until there’s nothing left buthim.
He bites into my lower lip, giving it a sharp tug before diving back in, pushing his tongue past the seam of my lips. My nipples pull tight, and my clit throbs with need. If sex with him feels even half this good, I know I’m ready to move forward.
Pulling away, he rests his forehead against mine, his breaths coming in pants, matching mine. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to maul you.”
I smile softly. “It’s okay. I liked it.”
He slowly lowers me to the ground before taking my hand and abruptly pulling me out the door. “We better get out of here before I do it again.”
“Wait. I need my bag.”
He releases me long enough to grab a sweater and the crossbody purse I purchased recently, and we walk hand-in-hand to his bike. Like always, he carefully secures the helmet he bought me before putting his own on. Then we’re off.
There’s no fear when I’m on his bike anymore, just the freedom of fresh air and the excitement of what’s to come. I don’t hold back with touching him either, using my time on the back of his bike to reach under his shirt and run my hands across the rippled muscle of his abs and small swells of his pecs. He doesn’t seem to mind, though it leaves him adjusting himself when we get off.
With no real plans for the night, we ride for a long time, going all the way to Lake Tahoe before we pull into the parking lot of a restaurant with a view of the insanely blue lake. We get a table outside on the deck looking out at the boats and jet skis that haven’t called it quits for the night.
The host moves to pull my chair out, but Rigger practically growls at the kid until he steps to the side and allows him to be the one to help me sit.
“Can I get you something to drink?” The poor kid’s voice shakes, clearly fearful of the growly biker.
“I’ll have a glass of whatever wine you recommend.” I don’t drink often, but it sounds good tonight.
“I’ll have a Bud. In the bottle,” Rigger says, not even sparing the kid a glance.
“Okay. Be right back with those.” He nearly runs away.
“You didn’t have to be so rude.”
“That wasn’t rude.”
I pin him with a look. “He nearly pissed himself.”
“Maybe he shouldn’t take liberties with my woman, then.”
“Your woman.” I beam, completely forgetting I was in the middle of scolding him.
“You are, aren’t ya?”
I nod happily. “Yeah.”
After that, we have one of the best meals I’ve ever eaten. As I sip my wine, he makes me laugh with crazy stories about the club and his brothers. I haven’t been back to the clubhouse since the night I got wasted, but now that I’m learning more about it, I want to spend time there and get to know his family.
Once our plates are cleared, we watch the last minutes of the sunset, and I decide to bring up something I’ve been thinking about for a while.
“This dating thing is going well, right?” I ask.
“You tell me.”
“It is,” I say with confidence. “So now I think it’s time we have sex.”
Rigger chokes on his own spit. “You gotta start warning me before you say shit like that.”
“I don’t know how else to say it. Danielle told me I need to be open and honest about it.”