“All good.” Bones flashes his goofy grin. “We got a new sativa strain in if any of you want to pop by and give it a try.”
“And Riot?”
“We have a couple contracts next month. We’ll need to pull some backup for one or two if anyone’s interested?”
I lift a hand. “I could use some violence.”
“Yeah, me too,” Lucky says, but I know his real reason. Ever since we were kids, we had each other’s back. So if I’m volunteering for something dangerous, I know he’ll be right by my side, no matter what.
“Cool, cool. I’ll be in touch.” Riot’s one of the few brothers I’m not close to, but I think it’s intentional. He keeps everyone at a distance, which is on par with his crazy eyes and dark demeanor. The guy has something loose in his head, but he’s loyal as fuck and has saved my ass more than once.
“All right. Anyone else?” Cy asks with a look that dares anyone to speak up, but we’re smart enough to shut the hell up. “Then get to it.”
“Where’s he taking you tonight?” Gwen asks. She’s one of the newer courtesans, here on a three-week tour from Amsterdam.
“I think we’re just going for a ride, maybe get some dinner.” I wince as Gwen tightens one of the two braids she’s putting in my hair. After seeing them in her strawberry blonde locks, I asked if she could do the same to mine for tonight.
“That’ll be fun.” She wraps an elastic around the end and moves to the other side. “How’d you get around the rule about dating a Son?”
“It’s not against the law for me since I don’t work on your side of the business,” I explain.
“You mean fuck for money?”
I laugh at her crassness. “Yes, that.”
“It’s really too bad. They’re all so hot.”
“Yeah, they are,” I agree.
“How long have you two been dating?”
“Technically, we only just became a couple, but we’ve known each other since we were little. My mom married his dad.” It’s hard to believe it’s been three weeks since I asked Rigger to take me on a date. At least once a week, he humors me by taking me off property. We’ve seen a movie, eaten at restaurants, and last week he took me mini golfing. It was a disaster. Neither of us had ever been, so we didn’t know how it worked or how to properly putt the ball, but we had a blast.
There’s been more kissing too.A lotmore kissing. He’s even cleared second base. The slow speed is giving me time to adjust and associate what he’s doing with my body’s reactions. I love him for putting so much effort into me, even if he has to take a cold shower before bed after we’ve kissed our lips raw.
“He’s your stepbrother?” Her vivid blue eyes widen.
“Yeah, but we didn’t grow up together. He’s older than I am.”
“You don’t have to explain to me. I think it’s hot.” She secures the elastic and turns me to face the vanity. “What do you think?”
Looking at myself in the mirror, I can’t believe how far I’ve come in such a short period. My cheeks have filled out, I have some color in my complexion thanks to my favorite pastime of lying by the pool, and there’s something else I can’t quite pinpoint.
“You look happy,” Gwen notes.
Happy. That’s what it is.
“Thank you for doing this. Now my hair won’t blow all over the place when I’m on his bike.”
“Anytime, hun.” She kisses my cheek and leaves me alone, though I’m not alone for long before there’s a knock at my door.
I take one last glance at myself in the full-length mirror—skinny jeans with holes in the knees, a black crop top, and biker boots with heavy-duty buckles on the side. I look the part of a proper biker chick.
“You read—” Rigger’s words die on his lips when I open the door. “Shit, Navy. You look hot as fuck.”