My fist drives into his gut without a second thought, making him double over. “Mind rephrasing that?”
“She’s a liar,” he wheezes, righting himself.
“I don’t think she is.” I drive a finger into his shoulder. “You better start praying because if I find out you went back on our little arrangement, it won’t just be me hunting you down.”
“You think I’m afraid of your little club? A lot has changed, and I have some new friends who make your brotherhood look like the fuckin’ Boy Scouts.”
This surprises me, but I don’t let it show. Whatever he’s talking about is most likely just that. . . talk. But I make a mental note to have Satyr dig a little deeper.
“Yeah, we’ll see about that.”
“Where is that little whore, anyway? She come cryin’ to you?”
This time, my fist connects with his jaw, sending his head flying to the side. “You just don’t learn, old man.”
“Fuck you,” he spits out, bracing himself on the doorframe.
“Vivi’s no longer your concern, but I’ll tell you what is.” I lift my chin to the woman who stepped into view behind him. “I better not hear about you laying a finger on Laura.”
He laughs maniacally. “Get the hell outta here and do your research. I’m untouchable.”
I get in his face, ready to end him right here on his porch, but Golden tugs me back. “Not here, brother. We’ve got eyes.”
Glancing around, I see a few neighbors taking notice of the commotion. He’s right. If I’m going to take him out, I can’t do it in front of an audience.
“That’s what I thought,” Ray says, looking way too pleased. “It’s almost the fifteenth. My payment better not be late.”
Golden’s at my side as we walk away, his questioning eyes on me.
“Not here,” I mutter.
My brothers might know how I grew up, but I haven’t told them about the deal I made with the devil in the form of monthly payments for Vivi’s safety. In the fifteen years I’ve been gone, I’ve paid that man over fifty grand, and from the sound of it, I deserve a refund.
Ipace the length of the room, making myself dizzy because the room is nice but not all that big. I’m floundering, not sure what to do. I could unpack, but if I find out Mom’s in trouble, there’s no way I’m staying here, even if I have to fight a pack of bikers to leave.
She hasn’t responded to my texts, which makes me nervous. I still can’t believe she left after everything I did to get us out. The irrational, petty side of me wants to write her off and tell her she deserves whatever happens, but no. I can’t judge how she’s dealing with her trauma.
My phone vibrates in my palm, and I hold it up, seeing Mom’s name. Finally.
“Mom? Are you okay?”
Her soft voice filters through the receiver. “I’m fine.”
“Why, Mom? Why did you leave?”
She sighs heavily. “You’ve spent too much time protecting me, giving away parts of yourself you’ll never get back, and I let it happen. Now it’s time for me to protect you.”
Tears fill my eyes, and it only makes me angrier. I’m so sick of crying and feeling like I can never win. Like this world is out to get me. I want to just exist for once. It shouldn’t be too much to ask.
“How? How are you going to do that?”
She pauses before taking a deep breath. “All I know is that if we both left, Ray would rain hellfire on us. At least if I’m here. . .”
She doesn’t finish, and I don’t make her. “Promise me you’ll call if things get too bad. The Sons can protect you.”