“It won’t.” I hold out her key. “I’ll send one of the girls to give you a tour. I have some shit to do.”
“Whatever.” She snags it from my hand.
“Don’t even think about trying to leave. I’ll have one of the prospects watching.”
She quirks a brow with more attitude than I expect. “So what? You’re holding me prisoner?”
“Not a prisoner. More like a seventy-two-hour psych hold until you get your head on straight and realize staying here is for your own good.”
Her response is a loud slam of the door. I grunt in frustration and dig my phone out of my pocket, hitting the contact for Golden. Of all my brothers, he understands how shitty moms can be since the cunt who birthed his little boy dropped him on the clubhouse’s doorstep with nothing but a note.
“Yeah,” he answers.
“Need some backup.”
“Shit. You at Honey?”
“Just leaving. I’ll text you the address.”
“See you soon.”
I hop on my bike and take off, not looking forward to the family reunion that’s about to happen. I wish I could say I’ve kept tabs on Ray, but I haven’t. Year after year, I told myself to check in and make sure everything was as it should be, but I’m a fucking coward when it comes to him. The second I got free, I didn’t look back.
I’m glad to see Ray’s piece of shit truck parked in his driveway when I pull up. I figured it would be since I asked Satyr to do some digging when Vivi popped up. The bastard is still working for the same auto body shop. No clue how he holds a job down with his temper, but somehow, he has. He also hasn’t taken out any major loans, and his bills are paid on time. From the outside, everything’s on the up and up.
Seconds after I park, Golden pulls up behind me on his Fat Boy.
“What’s the story?” he asks, pulling off his helmet and hanging it on a handlebar.
“Just need someone here in case shit goes sideways.”
He just nods, and I’m thankful he doesn’t ask for more. He knows how I grew up, so any questions he has will be answered momentarily. My gut twists as we walk up the cement path. Old memories of black eyes, broken arms, and bruised ribs resurface, along with resentment, rage, and fear. I swallow it down, reminding myself I’m not a kid anymore, and there’s jack shit Ray can do to hurt me.
Now I’m the one doing the hurting.
I pound on the door and listen for any sign of distress. I hear nothing, so I pound again.
The door opens, and I’m met with the face of a man I hardly recognize. Every day of the last fifteen years is worn on his wrinkled and ugly face. Not for the first time, I’m glad I look like my momma.
“What?” he barks, not recognizing me in the least.
“Your boy’s home. No welcome home party?” I ask, sarcasm lacing my tone.
His beady eyes narrow, and it takes him a minute, but I see the moment he realizes it’s me. “Well, ain’t this some shit. What the hell do you want?”
“You’re not going to invite me in?”
He eyes Golden behind me. I understand why he thinks my brother is a bigger threat than me. He’s taller and broader, but what he doesn’t know is that he’s the softest out of all of us. Having a kid’ll do that to you. Plus, Ray’s not considering the lifetime of pent-up fury I have boiling just under the surface.
“Say what you gotta say and get the fuck off my property.”
“Laura here?” I ask, peering over his shoulder.
“She’s none of your business.”
I take a step closer. “That’s where you’re wrong. Vivi showed up a week or so ago, and I get the feeling things haven’t gone down the way we agreed.”
He huffs. “You gonna believe a word that slut says?”