Page 79 of Snake's Head

And she was going to fucking get me even though she didn’t want to admit she wanted me.

I tried to calm my head as best as I could and focused on the guy for a second as he looked at me again. It was a short look, but he did it for the second time. Then I realized I had recognized him. He probably recognized me too. We never even talked directly, but I saw him here a few times. I had talked to some of his friends. I had fucked some of his friends.

I didn’t even know his name. I only knew he knew me.

It was time for me to get onto the dance floor. I just hoped this guy fitted for my plan to work.

I walked towards them. Luce’s eyes widened slightly like warning me away. I didn’t care. I was not going to do anything I promised not to do.

I felt the guy's eyes come to me as he made her hips move the way he wanted with his hands on either side of her. His head was almost on the crook of her neck. I didn’t look at him, though. not yet. My attention was on Luce.

“Having fun, baby?” I asked, touching her bottom lip with my thumb.

“Yes,” she said, a little forced. I could tell she was worried I was going to hurt the guy. That was not my intention at all. The guy didn’t do anything. She was the one who hurt me, so I wanted to hurtherback, not the guy.

Then I finally looked up at the guy. He was just a few inches shorter than me. He was good-looking and looked way too happy for a guy confronted by his dance partner's husband.

“Hey,” I said, flashing a charming smile.

“Hey,” he answered.

“How are you? I remember you. You are Layla’s friend, right?”

A huge smile appeared on his face. People got so impressed when someone important remembered even the smallest thing about them. A good memory was good for getting a lot of sex in the end.

The guy pressed herself more to Luce to get closer to me. “Yes. I am Caleb. She is always talking about you.”

“Does she now?” I murmured, looking down at Luce. She looked mostly confused, but under that, I could also see the growing anger.

“Yes,” said Caleb in a sultry way.

Thanks to Layla for praising me.

“I couldn’t call her.” I put a hand over Caleb’s on Luce’s hips and stepped closer, making her trapped between our hard bodies. I heard her breath hitch, but I continued like I didn’t. “You see, I got married.”

His brows furrowed. “You are married?”

“Yes,” I said, touching my nose to Luce’s briefly. “This is my wife, Luciana.”


“Yeah,” I said with a smile and looked down at her. This might be the first time I saw her tongue-tied. “She is beautiful, isn’t she, Caleb?”

“Yes,” Caleb answered without a beat, and I wanted to kill him.

Yet I managed to keep my smile. I looked back at him again and made my face get closer to his before whispering, “You should see her while she is screaming for release.”

“Val!” Luce whispered harshly, but I didn’t give her any attention. I didn’t think Caleb even heard her.

“You know she wanted to go out tonight. She said she is bored with me.”

“I can’t imagine someone getting bored of you.”

I chuckled. “Me too.” I pressed harder to Luce even though I knew it was probably making her feel Caleb’s undoubtful erection. I looked down at her. “But this one did. She said she wanted to fuck someone else.”

“It can be fun,” Caleb said with a smile.

I smiled back and, this time whispered over his lips. “Tell me, Caleb, do you want to fuck my wife?”