Page 78 of Snake's Head

“Oh, I don’t know,” I said. A sinister smile appeared on my face. “I might look for someone to fuck myself since I am not going to get any from you tonight.”

Her breath hitched, but she gathered herself quickly. “Sounds good.”

It really did sound good.

I was going to make her regret wanting to do this. Whatever the reason for this was, I was going to fuck it out of her at the end of the night because even if she didn’t know Luce was mine. All the promises we made or my stupid efforts could go fuck themselves. Tonight was going to decide the fate of our marriage, and I already knew I was going to win.

Game on.

I took Luce to a neutral club. They weren’t under the protection of any kind of mob. They used to be friendly with the Bratva before Sal almost erased their presence in Chicago. The owner was the nephew of a senator we sponsored, so it was still kind of under our hands, but we let it be a neutral ground. Sometimes those were needed too.

We didn’t bring any bodyguards. The club was big, but I knew at least one person was going to recognize me, so I decided to stay in the VIP area for a little bit more privacy. It was still big, but they didn’t let anyone enter. I sometimes came here when I wanted secrecy and new faces.

I was not sure if I wanted to see someone I fucked before or not. On the one hand, it would be a good opportunity to make Luce jealous, but on the other hand, I wanted my attention on her. My plans were a little different than simply making her jealous because then she would just do the same to me. My plan was a good one, even though it had some risks. It might not work, but knowing the crowd here gave me hope.

At first, Luce was against the idea of going to the VIP area. She wanted to be in the crowd, but then I gave her the same security reason. I also promised her if she couldn’t find anyone here, we could go back. She accepted, and she actually seemed relieved when she saw the VIP area. It was not a small place where a few people only sat. It was just a bit smaller version of the club, and it was more selective about the people inside.

I normally enjoy dancing. Bianca and Verona did, too, so since we were able to sneak out of the house, we went partying in clubs. We always danced. We deal with our problems by dancing. Anytime it became too much for one of us or we just felt a little down, we went dancing. It was our way of healing.

That led to me usually hunting while dancing. Despite being the prince of Cosa Nostra most of my life, I was not the man dressed in a suit, sipping his whiskey on a couch at the corner of the club. I was always in action. I danced, I got closer to people I liked, I danced with them, and it usually ended with fucking. That was how I fucked Luce for the first time as well.

Not tonight.

Tonight I was the guy sitting in a corner watching the dancing people, or more accurately, one person. I was still not in a suit. It always felt so fucking pretentious to dress like that here. I was in my black leather pants and a white t-shirt. I didn’t put a lot of effort, but still, I could feel all the attention on me. They probably knew who I was. That always made people wet or hard. Everybody was attracted to power and money.

Currently, I was only attracted to a woman with a lithe body wearing the sexiest green dress ever. Luce was never just about showing skin. She had her own style, and that made her sparkle in the crowd. The green fabric was thin, but the hottest part was the golden hoops connecting the dress together, decorating her shoulders and her belly. I probably would have been rock hard if I was not worried about the fact that she wore that dress to attract another man.

And my god, she was getting a lot of attention. She asked me if I was going to dance too at the beginning, but when I said yes, she didn’t look even a bit phased by that. She looked so fucking confident, all alone in the middle of the crowd. Her body moved perfectly with the rhythm, and normally that sight would awaken the desire to worship her body, but I was very aware of other people watching her. I could see hungry eyes around her, and I could see her letting it. That only made me want to punish her.

Our sex life was a war. We constantly fought for dominance, but tonight there was not going to be any of that. I was going to win, and I was going to conquer that delicious body of hers all night long.


Not some fucker she met here.

I didn’t know why but for a long while, no one approached her. She danced, sometimes her eyes closed, feeling the music deep inside her, and sometimes her eyes roamed around. I also caught her looking at me and quickly looking away way too many times. Deep down, I could tell she wanted me there with her. She wanted me to be the one to touch her. Unfortunately, I didn’t understand why she was pushing me away while her body language stated she wanted me. Maybe I was not as good at reading people as I thought.

I was not ready to accept that, though.

My eyes stayed on her all the time, and that was probably the reason for people staying away from her. I was happy that she was out there putting on a show without being touched, but I was also a little nervous that she was going to want to go back to the standard area of the club. Things would be harder there. A lot more people who didn’t know who I was would create problems.

Although Luce herself didn’t approach anyone as well. Her eyes didn’t stay on anyone too long. She didn’t look at anyone invitingly as she did at me months ago in that club in L.A.

But of course, maybe an hour later, someone approached him. Clearly, my presence and possessive gaze were not enough to keep everyone away. The guy approached her and slowly wrapped an arm around her waist from behind. Luce tensed just briefly, but when she looked back at the guy, a smile grazed her lips, and she moved her hips to the music.

My hands turned into fists. My whole body flexed so hard that I was shocked nothing snapped. My teeth actually hurt from grinding.

I had never been this jealous of anyone.

I had never been this jealous. Full-stop.

The guy’s eyes came to me briefly, but then he just went back to dancing with my wife. Maybe I was not looking scary enough. I should have shown him my gun. That would have kept him away. Actually, I could still go up to them and show him. I could break the hands he was touching Luce right now. I could fucking ruin him for even thinking he could hold her in his arms.

But then I would lose.

I tried to shake the violent thoughts away even though they seemed so very tempting. I promised Luce I was not going to kill or threaten someone. Those were the rules. I had to stick to my plan even though the sight of them was making me murderous.

Luce pressed herself to the guy as she danced, but her eyes still came to me briefly. She was not happy with him. She needed me.