Page 30 of Snake's Head

“As in the feminine version of Best Man.”

I shrugged. “I guess.”

“I thought you would pick Antonio or your brother.”

“They are going to be groomsmen. Verona is going to be a groomswoman. I want you as my Best Woman, though. You are my best friend, after all.”

She shook her head, but I could tell she was amused. “You really want to make people angry, don’t you?”

“I definitely do if their fucking traditions are stopping me from having my dream wedding.”

“Dream wedding,” she murmured with a small laugh. “You won’T just have a Best Woman. You’ll have me. Everyone hates me.”

That was true. Bianca was openly lesbian, and it was punishable by death in some traditionalist’s eyes, but because of a favor she made when she was younger, she had the Capo’s protection. They couldn’t touch her, but they still cared about her sexuality more than mine, even though I had never hidden the fact that I had been with men.

It didn’t matter at all, though. They could go fuck themselves.

“I don’t hate you, and that is all that matters.” I reached and held her hands. “Now, will you be my Best Woman?”

She smiled brightly. “I definitely will!”

I hugged her tightly, and when I pulled back, she looked so happy. All the backlash I was going to get would be worth her smile.

“Maybe we should celebrate,” she said and looked down at the dance floor. Her expression immediately hardened, and I looked down to see Verona dancing very closely with a guy. “Or not,” Bianca said and took a swing from the bottle of tequila.

“You need to let it go, B.”

“I did,” she said sternly. “You are the one who needs to let go because even if I accepted the truth, it still hurts. I have a right to be hurt.”

Now I felt like an asshole. “You are right,” I said. “I am sorry. Do you want to dance?”

She looked down at the dance floor again, and we watched as Verona left the crowd while pulling the guy behind her. I couldn’t say anything to her. If I could fuck my way into every nightclub in Chicago, she could do it as well. I just hated that it hurt Bianca.

I hoped she would find someone who would make her forget about Verona.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing, but before I could check it out, Bianca stood up. “I am getting more drinks. We can dance after.”

I did a mock courtesy. “Whatever my queen wishes.”

She left, and I looked at my phone with a small smile that turned into a huge grin when I saw the text.

Luciana: I got my wedding dress today.

Luce still acted like she was not my biggest fan, but I got the feeling that she actually liked our texting. I tried to call her a few times, but she was very unresponsive. Texting was much better.

She didn’t entertain my flirting. She usually dismissed my jokes or stopped responding. However, she sometimes texted me first. Our conversations were all about the upcoming wedding, but it was okay. I could tell she was trying to set boundaries and stop herself from going too far with me, but I could also tell that she liked me.

She might not even confess it to herself, but she definitely liked me.

And I fucking liked her. Our texts were actually the best part of my life at the moment. I especially loved it when she initiated the conversation, so I quickly replied.

Valerio: Can I see it?

Luciana: It is bad luck.

I couldn’t help but smile at that. I loved it when she gave me an opening.

Valerio: So, you are hoping for good luck on our wedding and marriage? That is very touching.