I felt offended. “Don’t you trust my taste?” I knew they didn’t know her and were just joking, but I still didn’t like it when they talked about her like this.
“No,” Verona said, and Bianca laughed as she slightly bumped her shoulder into hers.
“She is very grumpy,” I said. “Verona, you will probably love her.”
My twin rolled her eyes at me, and I took the chance to give her a look. We were actually pretty good at talking with our eyes, so she nodded with understanding and stood up. “You talk about how grumpy I am. I will be dancing.”
I just waved, but Bianca called after her, “Hey!”
Verona didn’t look back, and under all the alcohol, I saw hurt in Bianca’s eyes as she watched her go. I hated seeing her like this. “Don’t do this, B.”
She looked back at me, all of her walls coming up. “I am not doing anything.”
“Yeah, right, and I don’t know you at all.”
“You are annoying, you know that, right?” she asked, lying on the couch she was just sharing with Verona. “I am sad for your wife.”
“At least I found someone to settle down with. I think it is your time.” Honestly, I didn’t care if Bianca settled down or not, but I wanted her to get over her crush. It wasn’t going anywhere, and I hated seeing her hurt because of it. There were thousands of women who would appreciate her out there.
“Nah,” Bianca shook her head and swung her legs on the side of the couch. She was way too comfortable, and her skirt was bunched up, revealing her tattoo-covered legs. Two men did look her way, but I gave them a hard look that made them cower. I always made sure Vista was one of the places both Bianca and Verona felt safe.
She was oblivious to all, watching the black ceiling. “I am not a one-pussy kind of girl.”
I actually laughed out loud and laughed a bit more when Bianca gave me an offended look. “You are the most ‘one pussy type of girl’ I have ever known, B. You are just running after the wrong one.”
She turned herself into a sitting position. “I am not!”
I shook my head. “You can fool everyone, but I am your best friend. I know how much of a romantic you are.”
Her eyes turned into slits like a snake ready to attack. “You are not my best friend anymore.”
I flashed a charming smile. “Of course I am. You cannot resist me.”
“I can.”
“What if I tickle you?”
She lifted a finger. “Don’t you fucking dare.”
I was actually very tempted to do that. Bianca could hold herself in a fight to an extent. I taught her self-defense, and sometimes we worked together at the gym, but we couldn’t get rid of her biggest weakness. She was ticklish as shit.
I used it a lot against her just because I was an asshole and liked picking up on her. She was the same, though. Maybe it was not the healthiest friendship, but at least it was ours. We were connected in ways that most people would not understand.
I showed her my palms like I was surrendering. “Okay, I won’t, but I need a favor.”
“Oh God, what is it?” She asked dramatically but smiled afterward.
I knew she would say yes. I would make her say yes, but I still felt a little excited. I was planning this for a while. I told Verona already, so she knew right away to leave us alone. She actually thought it was a great idea.
“Planning a wedding in such a short time is hard,” I said. “I was hoping you could help me.”
She looked a little surprised. “Well, I will, but don’t you have a ridiculously expensive wedding planner and a very enthusiastic mother-in-love?”
“Yes.” I could probably let them handle it all, but I enjoyed having a say in my wedding. Also, it was the only topic I could use to make Luce text me. “But I still need some help and thought maybe you can help me as my Best Woman.”
Her eyes widened. “You want me to be your Best Man?”
“Best Woman,” I repeated.