Page 12 of Snake's Head

Not tonight.

Tonight it made me sad. I couldn’t stop thinking about how I wouldn’t be able to do this anymore after I married. I was still not hundred percent on board with my father’s plan. I knew he was trying to manipulate me. He knew I would die for Elsie and was trying to use that weakness against me, but I was not stupid. I was okay with dying for Elsie’s safety and happiness, but death meant leaving her alone. I couldn’t save her beyond the grave, so I was not marrying a guy who would shoot me after raping me because I didn’t bleed.

No. Fucking. Way.

Of course, as a woman in Cosa Nostra, I had no say in the matter, but I still had power. If this guy was really the type to kill his wife because she was not a virgin, I could just warn him beforehand. He would not go along with the wedding if I told him about my condition.

I just needed to meet him, and hopefully, I could read him. I might use this marriage for my own sake. It was not very common, but not impossible. I definitely didn’t want to leave L.A. and Elsie, but I had to be smart about this. I had to somehow make sure dad was not going to hurt Elsie. I didn’t have a set-in-stone plan, but I would have one soon. I was a smart girl.

After Elsie fell asleep, I kissed her forehead and left her room. From tomorrow on, things were going to get hard for me and hard for her. I deserved one last night of fun.

When I got in my room, my cat Wednesday rubbed her head against my leg. Then she went to the small orange kitten and started licking her. Sherbet was only five months old and still needed a lot of care. Thankfully Wednesday accepted her as her own and took care of the kitten when I couldn’t.

I mostly kept them in my room because no one liked them. Mom was afraid of most animals, and dad didn’t like them inside the house. Only Elsie liked them.

I knew if I really left, Mom and Dad would take care of Elsie, but my cats would most likely be kicked out.

I looked down at my adorable cats. “If I have to leave, I am taking you guys with me.”

Wednesday meowed as she approved, and I smiled. I patted her head and played with Sherbet a bit. She was absolutely crazy, and I loved it.

After that, I went to my closet. Before playing the role of an innocent bride, I needed to get the slut out of my system. I needed to leave with a bang. I wore a black dress that was definitely too tight and a bit too sheer. My nipples were mostly visible under the fabric, but I didn’t care. I had small boobs anyway. If guys could show them, I could show them too. I let my long black hair down and put on my big hoop earrings. I also did my signature thick eyeliner since I was not going to be able to do that tomorrow. The hour was a bit late when I was ready, but it was a Friday night. You could party until the sun came up.

I took my high heels in hand and sneaked out from the garden. My father probably knew about the small door at the back, and he probably knew I had the key for it, but he never put a guard in there. It was not worth it. I was already dirty.

But I didn’t care. You could always get dirtier; I was especially ready for it tonight.

I never hunted in clubs. I never looked for prey and worked to get him to me. Thanks to my mom’s genes, I was hot enough to get attention, and I was a good dancer. I just went to a club and danced as my heart desired, and someone always approached me. Sometimes the first suitor was not the best, so I had to turn them down and wait for another, but if I wanted to have sex, I always had sex. It was really not that hard.

Tonight I saw a few heads turning my way. One guy almost looked ready to come closer, but I made a face and turned my back on him so he would leave. He looked like one of those guys who spent his entire life in a gym and used steroids like it was oxygen. They thought they were shit, but it was not my type at all. They looked so fake, and because they thought muscles were everything a girl could ask for, they were usually not very good in bed.

I liked tall guys, but muscle was usually not my thing. I mostly went for the skinny guys. I mean, they had the biggest dicks.

In the end, the guy I let approach me was tall, but he was not skinny at all. I saw him coming towards me, but it was not like a hunter attacking his prey. He seemed like he was ready to worship me with all his might.

I liked that in a guy.

He had wide shoulders, and to be honest, he was huge all over. I felt like a hypocrite for not being able to look away from this guy, but he was different from the gym-bro types. He didn’t look like he was on steroids. That body was not for aesthetics, or at least notjustfor aesthetics. He used that. He had this bad-boy aura around him.

I would know.

I grew up around them.

Considering my past, I should stay away from the dangerous types, but this guy looked different. He looked like he could crush skulls, but as he danced towards my way with a playful smirk on his face, he also looked adorable. His danger was different from the men I was surrounded with.

I was definitely going to give him a chance. I only hoped it wouldn’t be a mistake.

Still, I didn’t move from my spot. I just gave him a challenging smile. It usually worked better than throwing myself at them.

I could see the gleam in his eyes, even in the dimness of the club. He easily slid right in front of me; his playful smirk was still there. Then he bent down to reach his lips to my ear. “Are you all alone here?”

“I am,” I answered, even though that usually brought some cheesy pick-up lines.

He didn’t attempt any of those. “Well, you are not alone anymore.”

I lifted one of my eyebrows at his words and put my hands on his chest. I was ready to fuck this guy but always liked a bit of teasing beforehand. It was fun, and it usually made me wet, so the quickies felt better.

I swayed my hips to the rhythm while keeping my body close to him. The guy bit down his bottom lip and put his hands on my hips. Then he started dancing with me. He was clearly not just here to find a quick fuck. He actually knew how to dance. It always made things more fun. I hated when guys stood there like a statue and only moved their bodies so they could touch me.