Page 11 of Snake's Head

But love was not something a mobster could wish for. It was not fit for a man.

I got out of my trans when Antonio kissed Priscilla and gently led her towards me before disappearing into the crowd. He also gave me a warning look. That was my cue to keep prying hands away from her while he was away probably getting drinks.

Priscilla’s hands wrapped around my arms. “We need to go back home,” she said, looking a little drunk.

I checked my watch. “It is only 1 a.m.”

“Well, the dress worked a little too well. If Antonio doesn’t get me back to the hotel soon, he is going to fuck me in the alleyway again.”

My eyebrows shot up. “Again?”

Priscilla only giggled. Maybe Isabella or Mia shared a detail like that with me. I would be a little uncomfortable, but Priscilla was always like this, so I was used to it. Also, after Durant, I promised myself that I would not be disgusted by sex in any way. It worked a little too well.

After a few minutes, Antonio came back and put his hands on Priscilla’s wide hips. He bit down her shoulder, not so gently, making her shriek. “Are we going back?”

She was not lying. The dress did work too well.

Priscilla looked at me with the question in her eyes instead of answering her husband.

“You guys go. I’ll hang out a little more.”

Her expression turned sad. “You sure? I don’t want to leave you alone.”

Antonio didn’t seem like he minded. It was not my favorite thing to party alone, but I was not the type to cockblock someone. “I am sure. You go before Antonio loses his mind.”

Priscilla smiled at me and kissed my cheek goodbye. When she turned towards Antonio, he signed a very dirty phrase at her, probably because the club was very loud. They learned sign language for their deaf daughter, but I guess dirty talking in public was another way they used it.

I acted like I didn’t understand, but I saw how Priscilla smiled brightly at the suggestion and let Antonio take her out of the club. That smile stabbed my chest a second time tonight. I didn’t want to think, to imagine.

I didn’t want to wonder how it would be to have that for myself.

Luciana Borelli was just a name at this point. It was a name I could tie to any kind of fantasy. I could imagine the cheesiest love story with that name, but it would only disappoint me in the end. She was just a woman I might marry.

Love had nothing to do with it, so I didn’t want to imagine loving Luciana Borelli.

My option was probably sex. It usually worked well in distracting me. I was in a large nightclub that was not owned by the Italians. I could sure as hell find someone here.

I wanted a quick fuck. I wanted someone to take my mind off of things, and most importantly, I wanted to forget the name Luciana Borelli.

I danced and scanned around the club like a hunter. Many attractive women and men were dancing. Some of them returned my hungry glances, but none of them felt good. No one was good enough to empty my head of all the desperate thoughts.

At least, it was until I sawher.

She was petite with long dark hair and was wearing a maddening black dress. I could see the slight curves of her body, and the top of the dress was a bit transparent, so I could almost make out the shapes of her nipples even in this darkness. Maybe it was my imagination, though.

The best part about her was her eyes. She had light brown eyes that looked like slits. When they came to mine, she looked at me like she could consume my soul whole, and I would gladly let her do it.

She was not my usual type, but it didn’t matter at all. She was a magnet, and I was way too weak to resist her.


“Are you excited for tomorrow?” I asked as I pulled the covers over Elsie’s small body. “You’ll get to wear your yellow dress.”

“Yay!” she said with all the energy left in her. “You?” she asked.

“I’ll wear my yellow dress too.” Elsie loved when we pulled a twin look. It was the only good thing about that horrible yellow dress. It was not my style at all, but my father insisted I looked like a sweet, obedient wife-to-be.

“Yes!” Elsie exclaimed again, and I smiled. I sat next to her on the bed and opened the storybook she had picked. She loved listening to the end but fell asleep a little early tonight. She was too tired. Usually, when she fell asleep easily like this, I loved it.