
Without a word, Doom frog-marched the stunned man toward Wizard, where he released him, then stepped back.

The rest of the brothers made a circle, preventing any attempt of escape. Fear-filled eyes swept over them.

Disappointment filled him when the headmaster made no attempt to run.

“I don’t have much cash on me.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. “You can have it.” The headmaster held out his wallet toward Wizard.

When Wizard stood, Doom took another step back.

A swoosh of air escaped the man when Wizard’s fist struck him forcefully in the solar plexus. He sunk to his knees, and the wallet dropped next to him.

“Stand up, you piece of shit.”

The headmaster, still struggling to breathe, tried unsuccessfully to get to his feet.

“Help him,” Wizard ordered.

Doom used the collar of his shirt to raise the man to his feet.

“Doom, is this the shithead who was stupid enough to call a member of our club ugly after he was unable to fucking rape her?”

“Yes,” Doom answered.

“I didn’t try to rape her,” the headmaster wheezed out. “It was a misunderstanding.”

“It didn’t sound like a misunderstanding to me. Sounds more like you gaslighted her to cover your own ass. But maybe I’m wrong…” Wizard’s cold smile had a chill running down Doom’s back, and he wasn’t the one on the receiving end.

“Repeat the conversation, Doom. Let the brothers decide.”

The headmaster turned his head in surprise as Doom repeated the conversation, word for word.

“Did you record our conversation?”

Doom shook his head. “I didn’t have to. I have an eidetic memory. I heard every fucking word you said to Arden.”

“What do you think, brothers?” Wizard said, reclaiming everyone’s attention.

“Yeah, he gaslit her.” Buck was the first to speak up. The others followed suit in agreement.

“I didn’t try to rape her—”

“How did you know Arden was going to our clubhouse unless you were trailing her?” Wizard blocked any further excuse the headmaster was going to lie about. “You aren’t talking to someone afraid you’ll drop an ax on one of my relatives.”

“I’ve done nothing but help Arden out of a bad situation,” he gasped out.

“Really? That isn’t how I’m looking at it. You one of those sick fuckers who likes to kidnap and rape women you come in contact with, and they’re too afraid to report your ass?”

The headmaster looked too afraid to answer.

“I think Arden isn’t the first woman you’ve tried this bullshit on, not with a whole building full of women teachers you come in contact with every day. I think you’ve done it before. I don’t think Arden is your first victim.” Wizard’s fist came out again, hitting the headmaster’s jaw so hard two teeth flew out of his mouth as he crumbled to the ground. The uptight prick lay on the floor, sobbing, his face marked by Wizard’s fist in the same area Arden’s had been.

“But she will be your last. Doom, your turn.”

Bending down, Doom jerked him by his hair to force his head up to stare into his face. “Have you fired Arden’s father yet?”

“I was working on his paperwork when my secretary told me a woman was handing out flyers.”

“Here’s what you’re going to do. The paperwork is going to be torn up and thrown away. Arden’s father is going to get his retirement, isn’t he?”

“Yes,” he sobbed out.

“Where’s your cell phone?”

The headmaster reached into his suit pocket for his phone, then held it out.

“Text Arden; tell her you’ve had a change of heart. Apologize to her for trying to kidnap her, that you have mental health issues, and after her father retires, you’ll be resigning to work on your emotional well-being.”

The prick tried to shake his hair loose from the hold Doom had on him. “I’m not going to resign—”

Keeping his hold on the motherfucker, Doom used his other hand to pull out the gun tucked into the back of his waistband, placing it against his temple.

“Oh… I think you will,” Doom told him coldly. “You piece of shit. I can bury you where no one will ever find what is left of you. You should thank God I’m giving you this offer instead of putting a bullet in your motherfucking head. I still might if I find out you have hurt another woman, and you better believe I will be watching. I know people capable of finding out when you took your last shit.”

He started crying harder. “Arden can come back—”

“Fuck no.” Doom shook his head. “Arden isn’t taking one step near you or that school.”

“Who’s going to clean the school? I won’t be able to hire someone until her father’s retirement goes through.”

“Then I guess you’re going to be taking out the trash yourself.” Doom pressed the barrel of the gun harder against his skull. “I want you to remember how fucking scared you are at this moment because if you ever—and I fucking mean ever—come near Arden again, I’ll put a fucking bullet in your head so fast you won’t even be able to take a last shit.” Doom gave a last jerk of his hand before removing his hand to rise.