“Start texting.” Doom placed his gun back in his waistband.

He and the brothers watched as the frightened man texted Arden.

“Let me see before you send.”

When he handed the phone to him, Doom read the text and pressed send then let it drop back to the floor next to the beaten man’s knees. Wrinkling his nose, he took another step away.

“You might need to call your secretary and tell her you need to take the rest of the day off. You stink from where you shit yourself.”

Managing to get to his feet, the headmaster warily looked at the men blocking his path to the door. “Can I leave now?”

Wizard motioned for the brothers to move aside. “Go.”

As he stumbled forward, each of the brothers landed punches on his ribs, sending him back and forth down the line until Buck opened the door to toss him outside.

Wizard cast him a disappointed glance. “I wouldn’t have taken it so easy on him if I hadn’t expected you to fuck him up more.”

“I couldn’t.” Doom shrugged. “The only thing that saved that motherfucker was I knew his secretary would find the paperwork on his desk, and I didn’t want Pepper, Arden, or her father blamed if that sick fuck disappeared today.”

Wizard cocked his head to the side questioningly, his lips quirking in amusement. “Today?”

Doom nodded, answering the silent question he could see in Wizard’s eyes. “Tomorrow is another day.”



Arden had to reread the text several times, still not believing she had read it right. She didn’t believe the headmaster had a change of heart any more than she believed there was a man in the moon. Had he been afraid the school cameras had caught him on tape hitting her? She doubted that. He was smart enough to have a well-thought out plan in place before attempting to kidnap her. He had probably erased the footage or made sure the camera wasn’t working before slashing her tires.

Don’t look a gift horse in a mouth. She tried to dispel the trepidation she was feeling at the text. Was he trying to lure her into another attempt?

Setting her phone down, she resumed her work, debating what to do next. She waited until her lunch hour before she looked at her phone again.

Thank you. Should I stop by the school after I get off work to pick up the keys? she texted.

Her sandwich lodged in her throat when her phone pinged with a text.

No. I will take care of the cleaning. There is no need to come to the school. I think it best if we keep our distance.

Arden was in total agreement. She hadn’t been looking forward to having to see him again. The only reason she would have willingly put herself in his vicinity was for her father.

She finished her lunch and left the lunchroom, and as she passed a table where several women were sitting, the way Haven stared at her had her looking back curiously. If stares could kill, she would be fileted and fried.

Thankfully, they worked in different areas of the building, and the only interactions they had were when Haven would have to escort a patient down to her department.

With the relief of not having to go to her parents’ house to tell her father he wouldn’t be getting his retirement off her shoulders, the rest of the day passed uneventfully.

After work, she headed to her hostess job. Mondays were normally slow at the restaurant, but it was packed when she arrived.

Mama looked her over with an assessing look when she clocked in. “You’re looking better.”

Arden came up behind Mama as she rolled out the thick dough onto the counter to wrap her arms around her. “I am. Everything is good,” she assured her. “There isn’t anything for you to worry about anymore.”

“If that is true, then you shouldn’t have a problem telling me who hit you.”

“We’re going to forgive and forget.”

Mama gave a sarcastic snort. “Italians never forget.”

Arden gave her another hug. “I love you.”

“Get to work. You’re irritating me.”

Laughing, Arden left Mama alone. Relieving Andrea, she soon had most of the waiting customers seated.

Unable to take a break until nine, she decided to forego her dinner break and end her shift early when the restaurant emptied out.

“You calling it a night?” Mama asked, placing a pan of knots in the commercial oven.

“If you don’t mind. The tables are empty, and I finished rolling the silverware for tomorrow.”

“Go. There’s half a pan of lasagna left. Take it home.”

Arden didn’t argue, knowing it would be useless. She wrapped the lasagna to go and placed it in a bag. Mama shoved several more containers inside before she could close the bag.

“I’m going to have to buy a new wardrobe if you don’t quit giving me so much food.”

“I’m doing you a favor. Men want women with meat on their bones.”