She had changed into a low-rise pair of jeans with a cream sweater that hung off her shoulders, exposing the creamy expanse of skin at her throat and chest. Her little brown boots added a couple of inches to her height, allowing her to slide onto a stool at the bar without having to use the bottom rail.

Seeing he was no longer focused on him, Wizard turned his gaze to where he was staring. “She looks pretty pissed. If she quits, I won’t be happy,” he warned.

“Arden won’t quit,” Doom told him without taking his eyes off her.

“How do you know?”

He gave Wizard a satisfied smile. “Because she’s not a quitter.”



Arden kept her gaze front and center on the front of the bar, focusing all her attention on the different brands of liquor lined across the wall. The partygoers were getting rowdier as the hours passed. From where she sat, the hallway could easily be seen. Many of the club members would leave the back of the bar to make their way to the bedrooms. Sometimes, as many as three or four would leave in a group and come back with flushed faces and misplaced clothing. Arden didn’t have to guess what they were doing—the same thing they were doing at the tables, or the booths, except out of eyesight. The only ones she hadn’t seen leave for the bedrooms were Wizard and Doom.

“You want another drink?” Celeste asked when she was able to take a breather.

“No.” Arden gave her apologetic smile that she wasn’t helping out.

“It’s all good.” Celeste smiled back. “How about a soda?”

“No, thanks.”

If she drank anything else, she would have to go to the restroom, and she really, really didn’t want to have to pass a table where they were engaged in having sex.

“I’ll take a whiskey.”

Arden stiffened when she heard Doom’s voice from behind her.

“Sure thing.”

Arden wanted to gag at the soulful glance the woman gave Doom.

“The idea was for you to relax and have some fun, not sit here as if the world would come to an end if you caught someone actually having a good time.”

At his snide comment, she turned around on her seat then instantly regretted it when she saw Buck getting a blowjob at the table behind Doom.

Giving Doom a dirty look because she had played right into his hand, she started to turn back around when, bracing a long arm along the bar counter, he effectually foiled the attempt.

“My idea of a good time differs from yours.”

Doom arched a brow at her as he reached for his drink from Celeste. “What’s your idea of a good time then?”

Her mind blanked. It had been so long since she’d had any free time to do anything she enjoyed that she couldn’t remember when.

Frowning at Doom, she tried to come up with something to say that would impress him.

At her frown, he downed his drink then placed the glass on the bar. “Come play with me.”

Her mouth went dry when he held out his hand. Not knowing why, she took it.

She slid off the bar stool and followed him to the back of the bar. When they reached the pool table, he handed her a pool cue.

“Have you ever played?”

“No,” she admitted.

“Then let’s teach you how.”

As he gathered the balls from the pockets, Arden watched. Even though he didn’t explain how to rack the balls, she took notice.

Showing her to use the pool cue, he corrected her hands by standing behind her. Concentrating on her hands, she tried not to notice how tall he was to have to bend down to lower to his head to her eye level.

The first game went exactly how she had expected—with her losing. The second game went much better with her managing to sink a couple of the balls. When he started racking the balls for a third game, she excused herself to go the restroom.

Inside the bathroom, she caught sight of her face in the mirror. She was smiling, and her cheeks were flushed.

After using the toilet, she went to the sink to wash her hands, noticing it was nearly twelve. Looking forward to another game, she opened the door only to come to a stop at seeing Celeste’s arms wrapped around Doom’s waist, their bodies pressed together intimately.

She changed directions and went into the kitchen to start washing the metal containers.

“What happened? I thought we were going to pay another game.”

Arden turned at Doom’s voice from the doorway.

“I didn’t realize how late it had gotten. I need to finish these dishes so I can drop them back at Mama’s for her to use tomorrow. You might get to sleep in tomorrow, but I have an early shift.”

He gave her a frowning glance then started to leave.


When he glanced back at her, she smiled at him. “Thanks for teaching me pool. I enjoyed myself.”