“Or you could quit,” he cut her off. “We both know Puck, Buck, and Jesus will keep an eye on Blue. You’re wasting both of our time. You’re never going to fit in here.”
A strange expression crossed her face that he couldn’t interpret.
“I won’t take that chance with Luc’s happiness. I haven’t seen him this happy since before my father got sick. My parents have noticed the change in him also, and it’s a big relief for them. Would it hurt you to be a little understanding? If you don’t think I’m competent enough to bartend, I’m willing to work at the factory. Surely, there is something I could do there?”
“If you were in Kentucky, you could work at the factory there. Here, you have to be able to lift fifty to sixty pounds.”
“I coul—”
“No,” he said tersely, “you can’t.”
She drew her shoulders back. “I’m not quitting.”
Something just didn’t make sense to him. Why was she so determined to become a Last Rider? He had offered her a way out. Maybe she was more into the club life than he had assumed? She was certainly going about it the wrong way.
“Arden.” Placing an arm over the back of the booth, he leaned closer to her, watching as she started scooting over to put more distance between them. “It’s not only your bartending skills that need improvement. You’re making no attempt to get closer to us.”
“I am,” she protested.
Doom reached out to flick the tiny pearl buttons at her throat. “This outfit doesn’t scream ‘I want you to touch me.’ It says ‘Back off.’ The gray sweatsuit you wore the other day said ‘I would rather be working out than being here.’”
“I asked you what I should wear, and you told me to wear what I feel comfortable in. I feel comfortable in the other two outfits I wore here. Tonight, I’m representing Mama. This is how I dress there.”
“The food is gone, so the rest of the night, I want you to spend having a good time. Relax, enjoy yourself.” Doom turned his head to see who was nearby.
The woman at the next table turned. Doom motioned her over. She got up to saunter over to their booth.
“Arden is taking the rest of the night off. You have something she can change into?”
“That won’t be necessary…” Arden looked as if she was a deer caught in the highlights of a semi. “If I can have the rest of the night off, I’d rather catch up on my sleep.”
“Would you rather quit?” he said, giving her the ultimatum.
Arden gave him an angry glare before veering her gaze to Margarita. “I would appreciate some clothes, if it’s not too much of a bother.”
“No problem. We have a whole closetful of clothes that have been left here or I brought to keep in hand in case someone needs something.”
Doom slid out of the booth. “No sweats or polyester,” he warned her lowly.
Margarita gave him a sultry grin. “I got you.”
Nodding, he went to sit back down next to Wizard.
“What were you doing?” Wizard asked sharply.
“Talking to Arden.”
“What for?”
“I told her to take the rest of the night off and have a good time.”
“Something tells me that isn’t all you told her.”
“I told her to either quit or join the party.”
Wizard’s expression became angry. “Did the brothers make you president, and no one told me? Don’t be giving ultimatums out without my say-so. I want her in the club.”
Doom stiffened at Wizard’s rebuke. “Only because you want that ballbuster.”
“That’s not why. I admit I’ll use her if I have to, but she’s been working her ass off around here. You were right; the electrician told us it’s a miracle the club hadn’t burned down to the ground. I’m fucking curious why you’re wanting her gone so bad before the electrician comes in next week to fix it and Arden finds out she did the club a solid or before Celeste makes you pay up for the bet?”
“You thought she was going to quit just as much as I did.”
“Maybe so, but I didn’t bet on it. If you don’t want Celeste in your room all night, offer her another alternative. Personally, I like rolling over and having pussy next to me during the middle of the night, but to each his own.”
“The problem is when they try to make it a nightly thing. I prefer not having a revolving door to my bedroom. Feelings get hurt, and that’s when jealousy and arguments start. I can stay neutral while you and the rest of the brothers just make room in your bed for them. If I decide I want pussy in the middle of the night, all I have to do is go to one of the rooms with the open door.” As he talked, his eyes went to the back hallway, watching as Arden and Margarita walked back in.