Page 18 of King's Trophy

Now he was naked but she still wore the old ratty shirt, and she wanted it off. Easily fixed as it was clear Mason wanted the same thing as he reached for it, tugging it over her head, and throwing it out of his way.

She gave him a tut, but then ran her hands up either of his thighs. His cock was long, thick, and already aroused. Wrapping her fingers around his length, she stared at his sexy dick, and then flicked the tip with her tongue. He was already slick with pre-cum or perhaps it was their combined release from earlier. She tasted them both on his dick. Mason let out a growl and then a hiss, which she smiled at. Taking more of him into her mouth, she sucked him, hard.

He tugged her hair out of the ponytail and wrapped his fingers in her hair, guiding her over his cock. She sucked him to the back of her throat, and when he pushed for her to take just a little bit more, she did so, moaning. He tasted so good.

“Oh, fuck, Holly. I’m going to come.”

She wanted him to come and as she kept sucking, she opened her eyes and watched him. Mason stared down at her. His gaze was intense and she didn’t stop in her ministrations, sucking him into her mouth. He hit the back of her throat multiple times, and then she felt the hard pulse of his cock seconds later, her mouth filled with his cum. She swallowed every single drop, drinking him down.

He closed his eyes and she loved to see him lose control. She felt powerful and she loved that she’d given him that kind of pleasure.

Chapter Six

Mason had no choice but to leave Holly’s home, even though it was the last thing he wanted to do. Duty called, problems to resolve and issues to fix.

Running a city didn’t come without its consequences. He had a lot of enemies everywhere and for that reason, he had to put men on guard duty of Holly. Finding her, meeting her, he’d not exactly been careful. He intended for it to be a fleeting moment in time. Instead, he was close to wanting to keep her.

So, he made sure men were close by, blending in with the general public. A couple of his men had also joined the library to help place them in the building. He didn’t know if they read the books and he didn’t give a shit. They had two jobs: keep her safe and report to him if her ex-husband turned up.

In the meantime, he had to solve a few delicate situations. The first was handling a potential rat. He got a call from his informant in the police force about a guy claiming to have all of the ins and outs of a drug he peddled in his nightclubs.

It was wrong. The one line of business Mason didn’t dabble in was drugs. He didn’t give a shit about anything else, but he’d seen firsthand what drugs could do to people. They were messy and created the biggest trail, so he didn’t delve into them. This was why the cop had contacted him. The second problem was the woman who worked in one of the brothels had been caught trying to sell cocaine.

These were not small incidents for his men to resolve. This was on him.

Taking care of the rat was easy. He tortured him for a good six hours, and then made sure the body was dumped. He made sure to send a message. Mason injected all the dope the guy had on him into the guy’s system. Simple as that.

Mason had a big reputation and it was known for not peddling smack or dope, or whatever kind of secret word shit people were calling it. That was not him.

As for the woman, well, he knew how evil women could be.

He found a connection between the rat and the prostitute, so they both ended up being messages to people.

Once that was done, he made sure to take a shower, handle some more legitimate business, and then headed to the library to see his woman.

He spotted several of his men outside, some were on their cell phones, and he knew they were playing their roles. Another was eating his lunch, dressed as if he was an everyday worker. Once inside, he saw two of his men, one of them looking at books, another reading in the corner.

Holly wasn’t anywhere to be found and he approached the desk. “Where can I find Holly?”

Evie smiled at him. “Second floor.”

He winked at her and then headed toward the stairs, taking them two at a time.

Walking onto the second floor, he checked, and sure enough, one of his men was on the floor and had Holly in his sights. With where his men were stationed, all of them at some point would have their eyes on Holly.