Page 17 of King's Trophy

She stroked the lobe of her ear and knew she shouldn’t be talking about past relationships with this man. She had no idea what they were, but it wasn’t serious. They had fucked a couple of times, that was it. There was nothing special here, just pure sex.

“We had a lot of fun times. He took me out, we did things together as a couple, and once we married, it was like it instantly changed. Gone was the fun-loving man I’d become used to and in his place was a guy I didn’t recognize. He was so thirsty to prove himself, time and time again. He had a plan when it came to work, and children weren’t part of it. Actually, scrap that, he said he would gladly give me kids, but then I’d have to take care of them as he couldn’t have anything messing with his goals.”

“Do you even want kids?” he asked.

“Yes, I want kids. I’d love to have a big family. I didn’t come from a large family. My parents had me when they were quite a bit older. They passed away five years ago. My father went first, then my mother.”

“I’m sorry,” he said.

“It’s fine.” She forced a smile to her lips. “But even at their funeral, I was pulling him away from his life, from his career.” She shook her head. “I refused to have kids when there was a chance they would never know their father. So I refused to have them.”

Mason finished his glass of whiskey and held it out for some more. She poured him a generous shot.

“What about you?” she asked. “Do you want kids?”

“I honestly don’t know how to answer that question.”

She laughed. “You’re kidding, right? ”

He shook his head. “I didn’t have any parents growing up. I was bounced around the foster care system. I don’t even know what it’s like to be part of a family. There was a time I would say I never wanted kids, and life has a way of getting in the way.”

“So you don’t have any kids anywhere?”

“No, none. You’re shocked?” he asked.

“A little surprised. I thought you would have kids.”

He stared at her over the rim of his glass. “You know I’ve come inside you without using a condom.”

“I know,” Holly said. “Do you have any diseases I should be worried about?”

He raised a brow and then laughed. “None. What about you?”

“I got tested after facing the fact William had been having an affair. Once I realized the extent of his infidelity, I got another workup. I’m clean.” She rounded the kitchen counter and he turned as she took a step toward him.

In one hand she held her half-filled glass of whiskey, in the other, the bottle. “I’m tired of sitting up, let’s go and sit down.”

She took a couple of steps and then turned. He hadn’t moved a step as he was too busy admiring her ass.

“Oh, and I’m on the pill,” she said.

Mason didn’t like that. Why the fuck didn’t he like that? Holding onto his glass, he followed her into her sitting room.

She dropped down onto her sofa. “You were in the foster system?”


“Do you know who your parents are?”

“No.” He dropped down beside her.

“Do you want to know who they are?”


“How come?”

“I have no interest in looking or knowing who it was that sent me into foster care. They were not there to help me, and I’m not there to help them feel good with a potential tale that doesn’t exist.”

Holly leaned forward and put her glass on the table, the bottle of whiskey, and then did the same with his.

He watched her as she stood and wriggled out of her jeans. She straddled his waist and he tilted his head back to look at her.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I’m going to kiss it all better.” She dropped her lips to his cheek, then his neck. She flicked her tongue across his pulse. “Unless you want me to stop?”

“No, I don’t want you to stop.”

She ran her hands down his body, teasing the opening of his jeans. He’d not done them up properly from going to answer the door with her. At first, she’d been a little surprised Mason had done that, but it had also given her a thrill as he wrapped his arm around her waist. She had loved his … possessiveness. Was that what it was? Returning to his jeans she saw the zipper was pulled up. She slid the zipper down, and then touched his aching cock. One touch from her and he was already hard as rock.

She groaned as did he. “You’re hard already.”

“That’s because I want to fuck you, Holly.”

“As tempting as that is, I’ve got other ideas.”

She wriggled off his lap and he watched as she tugged on his jeans. Pressing his palms to the sofa, he lifted himself up to assist her and she gave him that sexy smile.