“I’m Ansley Fortner,” the young brunette said.

“Did you see anyone suspicious lurking around Mia or Tori today?”

Ansley rubbed the strap of her camera. “Not really.”

“How was Mia’s mood? Was she excited? Nervous? Having pre-wedding jitters?”

“She was giddy and looking forward to the day,” Ansley said. “I didn’t sense jitters about marrying Mark at all. The only odd thing was she refused to have a photo shoot by the river which is most people’s favorite setting. Something about it seemed to spook her.”

Was it the river or had she seen someone she was afraid of? “Can you please send me copies of all the photographs you took today? I need those ASAP.” Ellie handed her a business card from her purse.

“Sure. I’ll work on that now.”

“You can use my office,” the wedding coordinator offered.

Ansley hurried from the room and Mark and Liam strode toward Ellie.

“Please tell me you found them,” Mark said, his breathing labored.

Liam’s hair was sticking out in ten different directions from where he’d repeatedly dragged his fingers through it.

“I’m sorry, Mark, but no, we haven’t found Mia yet. We’re still looking.” Ellie gave both men sympathetic looks. “Liam, I’m afraid I have some bad news for you. Maybe we should go somewhere private and sit down.”

Liam instantly threw his shoulders back. “I don’t want to sit down. I’ve been sitting and pacing forever now. Where’s Tori?”

“I’m so sorry, Liam,” Ellie said quietly. “We found her in the river… I’m afraid she’s dead.”

Liam staggered backward, the color draining from his face. “No… No… That can’t be true. She was fine this morning. We had coffee and laughed and… and…” He broke down and covered his face with his hands.

Mark gripped Liam’s arm to steady his friend. “What about Mia?”

“Her veil was in the water but we didn’t find her body so she could be alive. I’ve requested choppers to search the river.” Ellie gently touched Liam’s arm. “I’m so sorry for your loss, Liam.”

Liam groaned. “I have to see her. Where is she? Why would she be at the river?”

“I don’t know,” Ellie said. “But I promise I’ll find out.”

“Take me to her,” Liam demanded.

“I will as soon as possible. Right now, I need to ask you some more questions.”

“We’ve already answered your questions,” Liam said tightly.

“You said Mia’s veil was in the water.” Mark loosened his tie as if he was choking. “But she didn’t like the water. Why would she go down there today?”

“That’s what we’re going to find out,” Ellie replied.

“Tori was a good swimmer,” Liam said. “But there’s no way she’d go swimming before the wedding. She paid to have both her and Mia’s makeup and hair professionally done.” His eyes hardened. “What aren’t you telling us?”

Ellie inhaled, knowing there was no way to sugarcoat the truth. “Her death wasn’t accidental, Liam. Tori was murdered. She was shot.”


Tension vibrated in the air as Liam absorbed the shock. Mark helped his friend to a chair, and Liam buried his head in his hands, his body shaking with emotion.

Ellie waited, giving the men a moment, but she had to press forward. The first twenty-four hours in an investigation were key to solving the case. If someone had abducted Mia, they could already be miles and miles away. “I know this is a shock but can either of you think of a reason someone would want to hurt Mia or Tori?”

Mark shook his head. “Everyone liked Mia. All the students and our coworkers.”