There was no exit wound, indicating the bullet was lodged inside.
She hadn’t found blood or seen a bullet casing in the dressing room, but she could have missed it. Forensics would have to conduct a thorough search there and on the riverbank.
“How did the killer get Tori down here without anyone noticing?” she asked, thinking out loud. “There were guests everywhere today.”
“We found some footprints so they must have walked.” Cord narrowed his eyes as he examined the property. “All the guests were at the wedding or by the pool,” he said. “One of the security guards mentioned that there’s a private exit from the bridal room to keep guests and the groom from seeing the bride before the ceremony. There’s also a separate path leading to one of the cabins and to the river down here.”
“So he could have forced Tori and even Mia out that way and no one saw them,” Ellie said.
Cord gave a nod.
“Did you check out that path?”
“I did and saw some footprints but they could have been other guests, and I was looking for the women, not evidence, so you should have forensics go over it.”
“I will,” Ellie said. The grimness of the situation seeped through her just as the rain was soaking her clothes.
Lightning crackled, thunder roaring again as her phone buzzed with a call. Shondra. “El, you need to get back. The ME is here. I caught her before the guests or Mark and Liam could see her.”
“I’ll be right there.”
Dread gnawed at her as she called the golf cart driver to pick her up.
Cord agreed to wait with the body for the transport team and ERT while Ellie returned to the wedding venue. Drenched in soggy clothes and dripping wet hair, she ducked into the ladies’ room and quickly dried her face. Wringing the worst of the moisture from her hair, she pulled it back into a ponytail. Her dress was soaked, but she couldn’t do anything about that at the moment. Taking a deep breath, she hurried to join the guests who were sequestered in the reception ballroom.
Vases of fresh flowers served as centerpieces on white tableclothed round tables. Side tables held food-laden silver trays of appetizers, and the three-tiered wedding cake stood with the bride and groom topper holding hands. Champagne flutes, wine glasses and a station for beer and a signature cocktail occupied one corner.
None of which would be enjoyed today.
Dr. Laney Whitefeather texted she was in the lobby, and Ellie rushed to meet her before the guests realized the medical examiner had been called. Sheriff Bryce Waters joined them, Deputy Heath Landrum on his tail.
“What do we have?” Laney asked.
Ellie quickly filled Laney, Sheriff Bryce Waters and Deputy Landrum in, then waved over one of the golf cart attendees and addressed him. “We found a woman’s body in the river but please keep this discreet for now. Can you show Dr. Whitefeather to the river to recover the body?”
“Sure,” he agreed. The driver walked outside with Laney, then Ellie turned to Bryce and Landrum.
“Shondra is with the wedding guests, but this is a large resort,” Ellie said. “The killer couldn’t have carried two women down to the river, so they must have walked, most likely at gunpoint since Tori was shot. There’s a private path leading down to the river. But someone may have seen or heard something. Check the security cameras, Sheriff. Maybe we’ll catch whoever did this on film.”
“I know the drill,” Bryce said, his tone clipped.
“Thanks. Deputy Landrum, get a list of all the registered guests and start canvassing them. Look for anyone who seems out of place or nervous. I’ll ask Shondra to question the employees as well as the caterer and staff who were working the wedding.” Ellie’s mind ticked away the next steps. “Meanwhile I’ll talk to the photographer.”
Bryce headed to the front desk to ask to speak to security while Ellie and the deputy returned to the reception area. Quiet, worried voices echoed through the space as she entered and all heads turned her.
Shondra met her at the door. “People are starting to panic.”
“Understandable,” Ellie said. “Did you learn anything from the wedding guests?”
“So far no one strikes me as suspicious. And not one person had an ill word to say about Mia, Mark, Tori or Liam.”
“Go with Landrum and he’ll explain what I need you to do now,” Ellie said.
A minute later, he and Shondra left the room and Ellie veered toward the photographer who was standing with the wedding coordinator near the entrance. She quickly introduced herself to the young woman.