I walked over so I could see her face when I delivered the news. “Nope. He said you’re hiding something. A big secret about that night.”
I watched her face falter for a split second before she recovered. “A secret?” she asked dubiously.
The old man stood in the corner of the room and nodded—liking my approach.
“One you don’t want anyone to know,” I added.
“Like what? I was carrying his baby?”
“What the hell?” Kyler said from the doorway.
“Um, no,” I said. “Were you?”
“No,” she said as if she would have liked that to be the truth.
“I think we both know what was going to happen when the two of you left the party together,” I said, using what Bono had told me.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she said.
“You wouldn’t let Kyler break up with you before he left for school,” I said.
Her face fell and I could see she was starting to realize hewasthere. “Did he tell you that?”
I nodded.
“Yeah, well, I knew he was making a rash decision that he wasn’t sure of,” she snapped.
I glanced to Kyler, not sure how much he wanted me to push. He nodded, urging me on. “That’s not what he’s saying,” I continued.
“Whatishe saying exactly?” she challenged.
“You gave him the okay to see other girls at school, but when he got home you wanted to be with him.”
She scoffed.
“And, the night of the party, he wasn’t paying you any attention. You knew he was gonna break up with you when you left the party.”
Her jaw tensed. She knew I was right.
“She caused the accident,” Kyler said, the words a memory rushing back to him.
I sucked in a sharp breath, wishing I’d been wrong about her secret. “She did?”
“What’s he saying?” she asked, having no clue of the severity of what he’d just revealed.
“She flipped out when I told her we were done. She said if she couldn’t have me, no one would. Then she grabbed the wheel and I lost control. We crashed off the side of the bridge,” he said, pain plaguing his features. “It felt like we were falling forever before we hit the water. I remember bracing for impact and then everything went black.”
“Oh my God,” I said, watching his despair.
“What?!” Melanie demanded.
“When I came to,” he continued. “I knew I needed to get her out first since she was screaming. But, once I got her free, my seatbelt was stuck. I couldn’t get out. I was trapped. I had no air. I tried. God, I tried. But my air ran out and…everything disappeared.”
“What’s he saying?!” she demanded again.
My eyes cut back to hers. “Youcaused the accident.”
“What are you talking about?” she snapped.