Page 25 of Seren

I sat down in the chair opposite him and teetered on the edge, not wanting to get too comfortable. “What’s going on?” I asked.

“Well. It’s been brought to my attention that you no longer live in Coopersville.”

My stomach dropped.

“I hate to have to do this to you—especially after all you’ve been through, but given that you no longer reside in town, you can no longer be enrolled at Coopersville High.”


“I know this is the last thing you want to hear from me, but it’s the rule. And if ever I could make an exception, it would be for you. But I can’t.”

“Graduation is less than two months away,” I argued.

“I know. I brought it to the school committee hoping they’d hear me out, but they feel as if they make an exception this time, they’ll be setting themselves up for more requests. They don’t want to set a precedence.”

Tears pooled in my eyes.

“You need to have your mother call the school to have your transcript sent to your new school.”

My new school?

I didn’t reply, just stood from the chair trance-like and walked out of his office, not bothering to go back to class. I walked out the front doors and straight to my car. Once inside, I dropped my forehead to the steering wheel and tears poured out of me.

Now, I’d lost everything.



I leaned against my Land Rover in the school parking lot, waiting to go in. Clouds had moved in, bringing some gloom to the otherwise promising morning.

Christa stepped up beside me. “What are you doing?”

“Just chillin’ before heading in,” I said.

“What’sshedoing here?” Kiki clipped as she joined us.

I followed Kiki’s glare.

Grace, wearing Windham Prep’s navy top and pleated navy and green plaid skirt, looked out of place walking through the parking lot filled with expensive cars. But, if I was being honest, she looked better than the other girls in this place.Fuck. I shook off the notion. She wasn’t like the rest of the girls here. And soon she’d find that out. “Apparently, her school found out she didn’t live in Coopersville anymore.”

“Well, this is gonna be interesting,” Christa said.

Kiki laughed, and I knew it was only a matter of time before the fun began.

I took off for the building, and like the minions they were, Kiki and Christa followed me.

“You gonna show her around?” Kiki asked.

“I figured I’d leave that job for you,” I said. “I know you’re interested in her.”

“Oh, allow me,” Christa chimed in. “I’m a lot nicer than Kiki.”

“Hey,” Kiki said, pretending to be insulted. “I pride myself on not being nice at all.”

Christa laughed, and I left for first period, getting far away from the two of them.
