Page 44 of Marked for Danger

The comment sent a flash of worry across Izzy’s pretty face. Without thinking, Grady reached over and covered her hand with his as a show of support.

Her surprised gaze flew up to his, but rather than pull away, she rewarded him with a tiny smile.

That’s right, sweetheart. I’m here, and I always will be. If you’ll let me.

Declan cleared his throat, the sound reminding Grady where he was and who was watching. He didn’t care, of course. But he also needed to keep his head in the game.

For both Izzy and Olly’s sakes.

“When will you see Valdez again?” Riedell asked Olly.

“Tonight. Tony, Valdez’s right-hand man, texted me on the drive here. We’re supposed to meet up at the main warehouse at eleven tonight for some sort of big job.”

“I’m guessing he didn’t give you more than that?”

The question came from Cole.

“That’s all I got. I will say, this is the first time a job has been specifically described as ‘big’. But other than that, the text sounded like every other one I’ve gotten in the past.”

“Maybe that’s all we need.” Grady looked at Riedell. “It’s not a lot, but Olly just said they’ve never mentioned whether a job is big or small before. For Valdez’s man to specifically say this one is big…” His gut tightened. “Boss, this could be a transport run.”

For what, they had no way of knowing.

“I hear you.” Riedell nodded. “Okay, so here’s what we’ll do. Olly, I need you to write down the address to where you’re supposed to meet Valdez tonight. I’ll keep working on getting a warrant, but in the meantime I want the rest of you to plan as if we already have it in-hand. We’ll get at that warehouse tonight well before the job is supposed to take place.” To Olly, he added, “You won’t be able to see us, but we’ll be there. But we need you to get eyes on whatever it is Valdez is transporting.”

“How is he supposed to do that?” Izzy’s voice was laced with doubt. “You heard what he said. If he tampers with the product, Valdez or one of his men will see.”

“I’ll figure it out, Sis,” Olly reassured her. “It’s one thing to start screwing with the stuff on my own. If I know these guys are there, ready to have my back, I’ll be more willing to risk taking a peek.”

“The second you have eyes on the product, we’ll need a verbal cue. Come up with something you’ll remember that will signal us without giving you away.”

“How about this? If I see concrete evidence against Valdez, I’ll say something like… it’s a good night to make money.”

“I like it.” Grady sent the other man a nod.

“So do I,” Riedell agreed. “All right, boys and girls. Let’s work the plan. I want everything in place and ready to go by nine. That gives us two hours to make sure there aren’t going to be any hiccups before our guy shows up.”

“What about me?” Izzy’s gaze landed on Riedell’s. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“You can help by staying home and keeping yourself safe,” Grady answered for his boss.

“Thorne’s right.” His sergeant thankfully had his back on this. “Until we know for sure who came after you last night, we need you to continue keeping a low profile. That means going straight home from here, staying inside, and keeping your doors locked. A uniformed officer will be watching guard from outside, just like last night.”

Grady could tell Izzy wanted to play a more active role in helping them, as well as protecting her brother. But he wasn’t going to pretend knowing she would be at home under police protection while they were working the case didn’t put his mind—and his heart—at ease.

Another thought crossed Grady’s mind. To Olly, he asked, “You drive yourself here?”

“Took a ride share,” the other man answered. “Didn’t want to risk my car being spotted at the police station, just in case.”

“Smart.” Jacobs shot Olly a look of approval.

“Okay, people. We have a lot to do and not much time to do it. Let’s get moving.”

With that, Sgt. Riedell turned and left the room. Blake, Cole, Kim, and Declan followed suit.

“Come on, Olly.” Kim flashed him a kind smile. “I’ll take you to our tech guy to get you set up with the wire and mic.”

“Fun times.” Olly pushed himself to his feet.