Page 45 of Marked for Danger

As he passed by Izzy, she stood and gave her brother a long, tight hug. There shared words of sibling love and another hug before Olly turned his attention to Grady.

“Thanks for keeping my sister safe last night.” The other man offered his hand.

“Never have to thank me for that, Olly.” Grady returned the gesture. “I’ll always have her back.”

The two men shared a look that said it all. Grady let him know Izzy was safe with him, and Olly reciprocated with a look of guarded trust. And in that moment, Grady knew they both had the same priority…

For Izzy to be happy and protected.

Kim and Olly left the room, leaving Grady and Izzy alone for the first time since he’d left her bed hours earlier.

“We’ll be with him the whole time, Iz. First sign of danger, the team will move in, and we’ll get him out of there. You have my word.”

“He’s not the only one I’m worried about.” She moved into his personal space. “Promise me you’ll be careful, too.”

“Cross my heart.” He made a show of drawing an invisible X over his chest.

He was rewarded with a ghost of a smile that barely reached her eyes.

“Hey, come here.” He pulled her into a comforting embrace. “It’s going to be okay.”

“You can’t know that for sure.”

“Sure, I do.” He kissed the top of her head. “Did I forget to mention I can see into the future?”

“Is that right?” Izzy pulled back and lifted her gaze to his.


“And what does that crystal ball of yours see in our future?”

“You and me?” He grinned. “Lots of smiles and laughter. Me spending every day showing you just how much I love you.”

“And the nights?” Her voice teased of hopeful promises.

“Sex,” he blurted without hesitation. “Lots and lots of sex.”

Izzy laughed, the light in her eyes returning ten-fold. Which of course, had been his goal all along.

“I’ll call you as soon as it’s over.”

“I’ll keep my phone on me at all times.”

The two shared a slow, sweet kiss before forcing themselves to leave the room in search of the others. When they got back out to the bullpen, they said one final goodbye before Izzy took off down the stairs to wait for her assigned police escort.

As for Grady, he went straight to work preparing for what he hoped would be the end of Valdez’s reign.

Chapter 10

Izzy stared at her phone for what felt like the millionth time in the last twenty minutes. It was almost ten-twenty, which meant Olly should be arriving at the warehouse any time between now and eleven.

She’d kept herself busy by dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning out her fridge. All things that had been done already a few days before. But she was going stir-crazy waiting for the team’s undercover op to begin, and she couldn’t wait until it was finally over.

I just hope Olly finds something the cops can use to take Valdez down once and for all.

Worrying about her brother had always been a daily thing for her. But now she had two men she loved serving on the front lines, and it was a hard pill to swallow.

This is Grady. You’ve seen him and his team in action countless times. They know what they’re doing.