It wasn’t hard to remain steadfast, however. Mainly because everything she’d said about Todd Shipman was true.
He was a narcissistic asshole who preyed on those he viewed as weak, including women and children. And—in Izzy’s personal and professional opinion—the man’s pursuit of custody didn’t stem from a father’s love, but rather the welfare checks and tax benefits being a single parent would provide.
In short, Shipman was trying to use his son for financial gain.
“I have no further questions for this witness, Your Honor.”
With an offer of the court’s thanks, Judge Hamlin gave Izzy permission to leave the stand. Rising to her feet, she carefully stepped down, her heels clicking across the shiny tiled floor as she moved. Keeping her shoulders back and her eyes forward, Izzy didn’t give Todd Shipman the satisfaction of glancing his way as she walked past.
Seven minutes later, she’d made the two-block walk down West 14thStreet to the parking garage located at 14thand Elati. Spotting her blue metallic Toyota 4Runner a few cars away, she worked her toned legs up the covered concrete incline.
When she was only two parking spots away from her SUV, Izzy released the gold clasp on the front of her black quilted shoulder bag and pulled out her keys. Pressing the fob’s rubber unlock button, her movement faltered when a set of soft footfalls sounded from somewhere nearby.
She turned around but saw no one. Silently chiding herself for being paranoid—parking garages always gave her the creeps—Izzy continued on her current path. By the time she reached her 4runner, she’d already moved on to her mental to-do list for the day.
Gym, check. Court, check. Go through the stack of new consult files on my desk… Yeah, that’ll be checked off after a quick stop for a much-needed caffeine boost on my way to the precinct.
Izzy reached for her car door and pulled the handle. Opening the door, she was about to climb inside when a deep, rumbly voice made her jump.
“Fancy meeting you here.”
With an audible gasp, she spun on her heels to face the man standing inches away.
“Grady?” She put a hand over her racing heart and blew out a breath. “What the…you scared thecrapout of me!”
“Sorry.” He slid his large hands into his jeans pocket. With a smile that showed off his dimples, the infuriatingly sexy man looked as far away from sorry as was humanly possible.
Izzy pulled her lids together in a narrow gaze as she jutted her chin. “You did that on purpose.”
“Maybe.” A shrug of his broad shoulders. “I have a trial prep meeting with A.D.A. Umbridge for next week’s drug raid trial. I’d just parked down the hill when I saw you walking to your car. But I guess now we’re even.”
Her brows turned inward. “Even?”
“Sure. You snuck out on me this morning…again…so I snuck up on you. See?” Humor glittered in his hazel eyes. “Even.”
“I didn’tsneak outon you,” Izzy became unnecessarily defensive. “I left you a note saying I had court early today.”
“Oh, I got the note. Along with all the others you’ve left. You know, if we keep this up, it won’t be long before I have enough to make my very own morning-after memoir.”
The smile adorning his handsomely rugged face appeared genuine, but there was a sliver of a shadow hiding behind Grady’s intelligent eyes. Izzy’s gut tightened. Had her post-sex exits really hurt his feelings?
No, that couldn’t be it. After all, hadn’thebeen the one to suggest their no-strings arrangement a few months earlier? Yes. Yes, he was.
And weren’tyou the one who’d snuck—ahem—lefthis apartment this morning having decided to break things off?
Damn her inner voice, anyway.
“Hey.” Grady’s forward movement pulled her attention back to the present. Concern pulled his brows together. “You okay? I was just playin’ around.”
“Were you?” She wanted to take back the words the second they were out.
The lines in his forehead smoothed as he straightened his spine. Standing inches above six feet, he seemed to tower over her. And if she hadn’t hurt his feelings before…
“Yeah, Iz. I was.”
Grady’s assessing gaze made Izzy want to squirm. “I’m sorry.” She sighed. “I didn’t mean to snippy.”
“Bad day at court?” The concern returned to his tone.