“Actually, no. Court went very well.” She adjusted the purse strap on her shoulder. “At least, I think it did. You never know for sure until the verdict comes down.”
“This the custody case you told me about? That Shipman guy, right?”
Izzy nodded. “A.D.A. Roussos argued a solid case, and I’m pretty sure Judge Hamlin was on the same page. Angelia said she’d let me know when Hamlin had reached her decision.”
“Bet their expert witness sealed the deal.” Grady winked with a sideways grin.
“Well from the way Todd Shipman stared me down when I got off the stand, I’d say he’d agree with you.”
A sudden, almost fierce look stole his smile. “Did he threaten you? If he did, that’s witness intimidation. Say the word, and I’ll make sure—”
“No threats were made,” she quickly informed him. “However, the mandoeshave a mean stink-eye.” Noticing the stiffness still very much present in Grady’s tight neck and shoulders, Izzy instinctively put a palm to his chest and did her best to reassure him. “Relax, Grady. It was just a look. No need to go all alpha-protector on the jerk.”
Secretly there was a part of Izzy that loved the man’s protective streak.
One of his hands lifted to cover hers. His beating heart kicked hard beneath her touch, his strong calloused palm warm against her skin.
“This guy sounds dangerous, Iz. Just promise me you’ll be careful.”
Why does he have to be so damn sweet?
“Seems like you’re the one who needs to be careful, Detective.” Izzy ignored the fluttering in her stomach and kept her expression playful. “Better watch yourself, or I might begin to think you actually care.”
A flash of pain darkened his gaze a fraction of a second before he rumbled, “Casual doesn’t mean heartless, sweetheart.” Grady’s throat worked with a swallow. “And for the record, I do care.”
So do I. That’s what makes this next part so damn hard.
Dropping her hand, Izzy put some space back between them. Despite the struggle within, she ignored the voice screaming in her head that this was wrong and did what she had to do.
For Grady’s sake.
“I wanted to talk to you about that, actually.” She licked her dry, nervous lips, praying he couldn’t see the internal struggle warring inside her that very moment. “I think it’s time for us both to move on.”
“Move on?” Those mesmerizing eyes of his widened, his dark brows arching high. “So that’s it? You’re ending things, just like that?”
Izzy crossed her arms in front of her, the urge to reach out to him and tell him she’d changed her mind tempting as hell. “It’s nothing personal, Grady. You know I like you. And…I care about you, too. It’s just that everything’s been crazier than normal lately at work. For the both of us.” She added that last part belatedly. “Even you have to agree we’ve barely been able to find the time for each other these last two months. And with your court case coming up and the stack of consults currently piled high on my desk, it’s not likely to get better anytime soon. Besides, we both agreed this wouldn’t be anything more than what it’s been. And it’s not like either of us expected our…whatever this thing between us has been…to go the distance. Right?”
God, she hated how callous she’d sounded. As if the time spent with Grady had meant nothing to her. In reality, it had meant more than he’d ever know.
And more than I’ll ever admit.
The muscular man ran a hand over his beard and chuckled. “Nah, you’re right. We both did agree there’d be no strings or expectations. I guess I’m just a little surprised you’re ready to be done, given that you spent last night in my bed. What was that? One last round in the sack for old time’s sake?”
“What? No!” Izzy frowned. “I hadn’t planned on…this…until this morning. And before you say it, this has nothing to do with last night, or any other night we’ve spent together. I know right now you probably don’t believe me, but I really do like you, Grady. More than I’ve liked anyone in a very, very long time. But like I said when we first started, I don’t do relationships. And I thought…”Don’t cry, Iz. Whatever you do, youcannotcry!“I thought we were alike in that way.”
“You’re right.” He shoved his hands into his pockets. “I did say that, and now I’m being a dick. I apologize.”
“You’re not being a dick. And I’m the one who should apologize. If things were different…if I were different…” She blew out a breath. “There isn’t anyone I’d rather do serious with than you. But I just can’t. I’m sorry.”
Grady’s expression softened, his taut thighs carrying him closer. Cupping her cheek with one of his talented hands, he looked her straight in the eyes and softly told her, “You ever change your mind about wanting more, I’d be open to discussing it.”
Well, hell.“Thank you, but I’m afraid that ship has sailed for me.” Rising onto her tiptoes, Izzy pressed a soft, sweet kiss to his lips. “See you around, big guy. Stay safe out there.”
“You, too.”
With that, Izzy stepped out of his reach, got into her car, and drove away. And as she drove down the steady decline toward the parking garage entrance, she allowed herself one final glance in the rearview before finally letting the tears fall.
Chapter 2