Page 65 of Bossy Bodyguard

“He doesn’t know about our relationship, Doll,” he shook his head. “He’ll flip if he did. He knows that someone is stalking you, so that’s why he’s being so attached at school.”

“I figured.” I bit my lip. “I just…” Pausing, I shook my head.

“What is it?”

Peering up at him, I leaned on the kitchen island and said, “I just wish he had told me about his sexuality.”

“Mhmm.” Cillian hummed, crossing his arms, letting me to continue.

I fiddled with my fingers. “I get it he likes everyone, but if he had just talked to me about it, we would have broken up and we’d still be good friends.”


“I mean, was it so hard to tell your friend-slash-girlfriend that you like boys, girls and everyone, despite their gender?!” I raised my hands and sighed. “I don’t mind him kissing boys, but it was a shock to see him kissing Aaron—out of all the guys, on my mom’s funeral. Like come on. It made me feel so terrible.”

When Cillian didn’t offer another monotonous reply, I looked up from my hands to find him shocked. His cheeks were pink and his eyes were wide.

“Why do you look so surprised—wait, he didn’t tell you!?” I cupped my mouth, wincing internally.

“He is gay?” he muttered to himself.

I blinked at him and shook my head. “Caleb is pansexual, Cillian. He likes everyone.”

“Huh.” He scratched his neck and pursed his lips. “He never talked to me about it. Or why you two broke up.”

I swallowed and nodded.

“I’m sorry, Emma,” he whispered, his eyes soft. “He shouldn’t have kissed that boy at your mom’s funeral. He should have talked to you, and I’m sorry I couldn’t teach him better.”

“Please, he is nineteen.” I rolled my eyes. “You need to stop apologizing for his actions. Yes, what he did was extremely shitty, but it hurt more that he didn’t tell me about his feelings. Anyway, I got to sleep with you because of that.”

Cillian raised his brows and tilted his head, “I was your rebound because my son cheated on you with a guy?”

“Of course you were. My ex’s hot dad was my rebound.” I winked at him.

He let out a soft laugh that made me feel giddy. “That’s good to know, Doll.”

I bit my lip from laughing and looked around the house. “Do you mind if I go upstairs?”

“We don’t have anything upstairs but rooms…”

“You have pictures,” I said and climbed the stairs. If I had never seen his house before, I would guess it belonged to Cillian in a second because his taste was very minimalistic yet immaculate. And even then, his home felt cozy with warm, soft lights and lots of picture frames on the walls of the hallway.

“Holy shit!” I neared one photo frame and ogled the man in a dark leather jacket, fitted pants and shoulder length black hair with lots of tattoos and—fuck me, a lip piercing. “Was that you?”

“I forgot it was here,” he said casually, examining the picture of his young self. “I was a rebel when I was young.”

“You look so hot,” I breathed and stared at his lips. “You don’t have that scar here. Was it because of the lip piercing?”

“Not from the piercing. No.” He chuckled and shook his head, “I’ll tell you someday, Doll.”

“Will you wear a leather jacket for me?” I asked, batting my lashes.

He flicked my forehead without giving me an answer.

Party-pooper. I looked at the other picture and paused.

“She is beautiful,” I muttered, seeing Olivia’s face holding baby Caleb in her arms. She was American, with dark brown hair and darker eyes. Her cheeks were rosy pink, and a diamond glinted on her left hand.