Page 64 of Bossy Bodyguard

I pursed my lips and clenched my books. “I don’t want him to win and think that I’m scared of him.”

He held my shoulders, worry evident on his face. “This person is delusional who wants to kidnap you and keep you with him,” he said, his voice harsh. “He is not fooling around and we both saw what he did to Lincoln.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. A trickle of fear rolled over my spine. “I… I hated him, but I didn’t want him to die,” I whispered, a tear sliding down my eyes and blurring my vision.

“I know, Doll.” Cillian pulled me into his chest and hugged me closer. “I’m afraid that he knows everything about you.”

And I’m afraid that he’d do something to you like he did to Lincoln.

That morning, I had woken up to a strange text and puked bile into the toilet while Cillian held my hair. He had heard my scream, helped me, and read the text with pictures of Lincoln tied up, beaten up and all bloody. With a slit throat.

That wasn’t the worst part. He had pictures of me and Cillian together at the sex club after Cillian had closed the curtains. Thankfully, Cillian’s body was covering my naked bits, but he was present and took those pictures. Along with the day at the mall. With Cillian holding my waist and shopping bags on the other arm.

He was fucking everywhere.

“What do I do?” I pulled away, angry that I was letting myself be scared by that piece of shit who had nothing to do but prey on me. “I want it to end!”

“I know, Emma. You don’t have to do anything. Just focus on your life and studies, I’ll—”

“I can’t focus. I’m scared that he’s here listening to us talk and taking creepy pictures.” My throat burned, and I wanted to snuggle Cillian’s chest because I knew he’d protect me. Keep me safe.

His hands caressed my back and wiped my tears. “I won’t let him hurt you, Doll. If you remain unbothered or even pretend to, we can find out who he is and arrest him. We are ahead of him.”

I clenched my jaw, sniffling as the tears stopped. “Are we? Then why did Lincoln…”

“I don’t know. But that means he doesn’t want you to be harmed by anyone else.”

“But him.”

“He won’t,” he sighed, running a hand through his palm. “We will find him. And until we do, I’m staying with you.”

I gazed at his obsidian eyes and nodded. “Okay.” Cillian would protect me. Keep me safe. “Okay,” I repeated, and hugged the books to myself.

“After school, I want you to meet someone.”

I nodded at him and we left the empty classroom. The bell rang, and I hurried to my next class. I was not strong, but I was learning how to defend myself. Cillian was teaching me all the ways I could defend myself lest anyone attacks me, and I was not a helpless girl anymore. I could run, but I could also hurt someone if I had to protect myself.

Taking a deep breath, I raised my chin and entered the biology class.

“Why are we at your house?” I asked Cillian as he stopped the car. “Do you want to get something?”

“No, I want you to meet my boss.”

“Your boss?” I was surprised, following him through the footpath that I had taken for so many years. I spent most of my time at Caleb’s house since my mom didn’t want any boys in my room. We’d spend time together at his. And yet, I never once met Cillian, just heard of him in little bits and pieces. He was never at home since his wife, Olivia, passed away.

Maybe everyone had their own ways to go through their grief.

“She’s not here yet,” Cillian said.

“She?” I removed my shoes and wore slippers, walking from the hallway to the kitchen. He offered me water, but I didn’t drink it.

“Yes, she. Elena is quicker and faster than me. Can easily take down four of me if we were to ever fight.” He spoke of her with respect and awe. It made me happy and… jealous.

I crossed my arms and smiled at baby Caleb’s picture. His cheeks were big like apples. “Where is he?”

Cillian sighed. “God knows. He has been waking up early and coming back home late. I wonder what he thinks of all of this.”

“What? Us?” I pointed at the space between us.