Page 198 of Venom & Vengeance

“Batch cook?” I asked.

“Darcy’s going to need some meals for the next few weeks,” Brooklyn said sadly. “I don’t want her to have to worry about food while she’s in the thick of it, you know?”

“Oh.” I sighed. “Yeah.”

“And Willa’s going to have her hands full when Savage gets out of the hospital. So I’d like to cook for her too,” Brooklyn added.

“Call me when you do that,” I said. “I’d love to help.”

Brooklyn nodded. “I’ll text you Horace’s number. When you call, tell him you’re my friend. That’ll sweeten the deal.”

“I will, thanks,” I said, gratitude permeating every part of me.

“Let me get you the key to your new place,” Mia said as she grabbed her purse sitting on the counter. She riffled through it for her key chain. She quickly removed the key and handed it to me. “I’ll text the address to you. You can move in whenever. Today, if you want.”

“When should we sign the lease and pay rent?” I asked.

She waved her hand. “No lease. Rent we can handle later.”

“This is about as formal as my job interview,” I said with a laugh.

“You don’t need formality with family.” Mia took a sip of her coffee.

Emotion built in my throat, and I cleared it.

“Here, take my key to the green truck,” Mia said, reaching for her key ring again.

“Why do you have a key to the green truck?” I demanded.

She grinned. “Because that used to be mine, too. Colt didn’t want me driving it anymore, and Sailor and Waverly needed a vehicle. I sold it to Duke for a steal.”

“You’re like a mafia queen who has a finger in every pie,” I joked.

Mia laughed. “I’ll tell Sailor and Waverly that you borrowed their truck.”

“Borrowed implies asking,” I said. “Teenagers who don’t have a set of wheels? They’ll make your lives hell.”

“Won’t be for long,” Brooklyn said. “And they like you, so it’ll be fine.”

“Thanks.” I hugged them both. “I’m going to see if Viper is ready to get out of here.”

I went to the backyard. Colt, Zip, Boxer and Viper were sitting in a cluster of camp chairs. They all looked exhausted.

“How are you doing?” I asked Zip.

“No pain,” he assured me with a smile.

I looked at Viper. “You ready to go?”

“Go where?” he asked.

“I scored some wheels,” I said. “Let’s go for a drive.”

Viper rose, and to his credit, didn’t grimace.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket. It was the address for the rental. And then Brooklyn’s text came through with Horace’s contact number.

Mia and Brooklyn weren’t in the living room as we passed through to the front porch.