Page 197 of Venom & Vengeance

“Any word on Savage?” I inquired.

“Yeah. He’s awake. Willa won’t leave his room and Duke refuses to leave Willa, so they’re at the hospital for the time being.”

“We were discussing Waverly and Sailor,” Brooklyn added. “Willa doesn’t want them home alone, even though we’ve gotten the news that it’s clear. Usually, they stay with Darcy and Gray, but…”

“But that’s not an option now.” I nodded. “I’d offer to house them for a bit, but I don’t have a house.”

“Speaking of that,” Mia began. “You and Viper are looking for a place together, right?”

“Right.” I sighed. “God, I hate the idea of apartment hunting.”

“You don’t have to hunt,” Mia said. “I’ve got a rental.”

“You do?” I asked.

“I do,” Mia insisted. “Cute little two bedroom, one bath. Recently renovated.

“It’s a rite of passage,” Brooklyn said with a laugh. “Almost all of us have stayed at The Love Shack at one point or another.”

“It’s unfurnished,” Mia said as her laughter died down. “But it’s currently vacant. It’s yours if you want it.”

“First you give me a job. Then you give me a house to live in? Are you, like, my tattooed, badass fairy godmother?”

“Something like that,” Mia said with a chuckle. “But only if I get to wear leather instead of a cloak.”

“Absolutely,” I said with a sigh of relief. “I need to buy a car. Something reliable but cheap. Something Viper can sit in comfortably. We can’t ride his motorcycle because of his ribs.”

“I might be able to help,” Brooklyn said.

“What, you know a guy?” I teased.

“Well, yeah, actually. Horace Jackson owns an auto garage. He cut me a deal on my catering van.”

“Horace Jackson. Jackson,” I repeated. “Why does that name sound familiar?”

“His sons own Three Kings tattoo parlor,” Brooklyn said. “You’ve heard of Three Kings, right?”

I smacked my forehead. “Ah, I knew I’d heard that name before. Yeah, they came into the bar one night when I was working with Annabella.”

“My business partner—Brielle—she’s their younger sister,” Brooklyn explained.

“So, they’re all intertwined with the club, huh?” I asked.

“Kinda,” Mia said. “They’re on the fringes—just enough not to experience any blowback meant for the club.”

“Speaking of blowback,” I began. “How can we all just leave the clubhouse now? How are we all safe?”

“Colt didn’t tell me details—he rarely does,” Mia said. “But he assured me we’re all safe, the club is safe, and we can move about our lives. We’re not going to get more of an explanation than that.”

“It just doesn’t make sense,” I muttered.

“Colt wouldn’t say it’s safe unless it was,” Mia said. “You just have to trust him.”

“Oh, I trust him,” I assured her. “I just wish I knewwhy. You know?”

Mia nodded. “I know.”

“Sailor and Waverly will stay with us,” Brooklyn said, getting back to the matter at hand. “We have more than enough room. They can help me batch cook.”