Page 190 of Venom & Vengeance

“Don’t tear your stitches,” Doc warned.

“Yes, Doc,” Zip drawled dutifully.

They moved out of the way and Doc went into the office first, followed by Viper. I marched in behind them and closed the door.

“Let’s get your cut off,” Doc said.

Viper made a move and released a groan. I jumped into action to help him.

“Easy,” I whispered.

“There’s no way in hell I’m going to be able to remove my T-shirt,” Viper muttered.

Doc pulled out a blade. “No worries. I’ll cut it off you.”

She slashed at his shirt, revealing his bare chest. His arms were covered in scrapes and bruises, but they were superficial. His ribs though…bruised and blue as hell.

“What happened?” she asked.

“I took a baseball bat to the ribs,” he said.

My breath hitched.

“Yeah, you definitely need to go to the hospital. You need an X-ray. You might have internal bleeding.”

A hiss of air left his mouth as she palpated his ribs and his lower back and stomach.

“Ribs are probably broken.”

“Hospital,” I commanded. “Right now.”


“No arguments,” I stated. “You called the shots when it was me needing protection. I’m calling the shots now. Get your ass up. We’re going to the hospital.”

A slight smile lifted Doc’s lips as she looked at Viper. “Your woman is feisty. I’d listen to her if I were you.”

Viper grumbled, but he reluctantly got up off the desk and stood.

“You can’t even move without wincing.”

“I just wanted bourbon and ice,” he growled.

“You’ll get it later once you’re in the clear,” I commanded. “You’re a man, not a god.”

“Debatable,” Viper muttered. “Let’s get this shit over with.”

Doc opened the door for us and then followed us out.

“Wait for me on the porch,” I said. “I need to grab my purse and phone and find us a car to borrow.”

“Fine,” he stated.

I took the stairs two at a time and returned to the living room a few moments later.

Doc was leading Bones to the office to examine him.

“Let me know what’s going on with Viper as soon as you can, okay?” Doc said to me.