Page 191 of Venom & Vengeance

“I will.”

Mia was brushing Colt’s hair off his forehead and pressing sweet kisses to his hairline.

“Lockdown is over,” Colt said to me. “Everyone is safe.”

I frowned. “What? But how? You just attacked the cartel.”

“Don’t worry about the logistics of it. You’re safe. The club is safe. And that’s all you need to know.”

“So, what does that mean?” I asked.

“It means you’re no longer a prisoner in the clubhouse,” he said.

“I thought I wasn’t a prisoner?” I taunted.

He smiled slightly.

I asked Mia if I could borrow her car and then went out to the front porch to meet Viper. What I found had me hiding my smile.

Viper was patting Waverly’s shoulder with a heavy hand, while she blubbered.

When she saw me, she hastily pulled back and wiped her cheeks. She looked up at Viper. “Thank you.”

Viper took the porch stairs slowly. I hit the clicker to Mia’s car, and it beeped and flashed its lights. I ran to the passenger side door and opened it for Viper. He ambled his way to the car and bent his large body into the seat. I shut the door and went to the driver’s side.

Mia and I were nearly the same size, so I didn’t have to adjust her seat too much. The prospects opened the gates and we drove through.

“So Waverly was crying,” I said quietly. “About Savage?”

“Some of it was worry for Savage. But it was mostly about Gray,” he said, his voice low. “She babysits his kids, you know?”

“Yeah.” Emotion I hadn’t let myself feel at the news of Gray’s death finally crawled up my throat to clobber me.

“It was a fucking shit show,” Viper confessed.

I swallowed.

He looked out the window. “Sometimes, I wonder what the entire fucking point of all of this is. We’re trying to do some good for a change, but everywhere we go, death follows. For what? What’s the goddamned point?”

I didn’t have an answer for him.


“Any word about Savage?”I asked.

“Still in surgery,” Willa said. Her eyes were wide in her pale face and her lips trembled from an attempt not to cry.

Duke reached over and took her hand in his, but he stared down at the floor, not saying a word.

Acid stood by the window, staring off into the lit parking lot.

Raze had gone to get some coffee and hadn’t yet returned.

I folded my fingers together.

Viper had been taken away for an X-ray and I was waiting for the results.

I still couldn’t believe Gray was dead and that Savage was fighting for his life.