Page 82 of Venom & Vengeance

Duke went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of beer and a soda. He handed me the can and then popped off the beer bottle top with the opener on his keychain before handing it to Viper.

The front door opened, and I heard the sounds of arguing. A petite blonde teenager walked into the kitchen carrying a few bags of takeout. A biker trailed behind her, also carrying bags.

“Ah, food is here.” Waverly hopped up off Dylan’s lap and went to the young woman and helped her.

“Thank God, I’m starving,” Willa said as she entered the kitchen. Her face was rosy, but she didn’t look any worse for wear from the pregnancy puke.

“Hi, Acid,” she greeted the biker who’d come with the girl.

“Hey, Willa.” He touched her shoulder.

“Sailor, do you have—” Before Willa could finish her question, Sailor handed her a container. Willa ripped it open, took out a corn bread muffin, and chomped a huge bite.

Duke cracked open a can of ginger ale and handed it to his wife.

“Thank you,” she muttered through a mouthful of corn bread.

Duke pulled Willa into his side and settled his hand at the back of her neck.

“For the rest of us who aren’t heathens,” Savage drawled. “Maybe we should get plates.”

“Youarea heathen,” Waverly said to him.

“What are we eating?” I asked.

“Fried chicken,” Savage replied. “From Cluckers.”

“Not just fried chicken, but biscuits, green beans, Mac and cheese, coleslaw and beans. Wait, I’m missing something,” Sailor said.

“Collards,” Acid supplied.

Waverly went to the cabinet and pulled out a stack of plates, and the feeding frenzy commenced.

“I’m sorry it wasn’t a home-cooked meal,” Willa said to me.

I frowned. “What are you even talking about? This is perfect.”

Willa took a full plate of food and waved me over to the large kitchen table. “I had plans to do a real dinner, I swear it, but I was on deadline for a client, and I just couldn’t make it happen.”

“What do you do? For work?”

She beamed. “I’m a web designer. I run my own business.”

“That’s so cool,” I said.

“This is really hitting the spot,” Willa said after taking a bite from her drumstick.

Viper sat next to me. He set his hand on my thigh and gave it a squeeze before digging into his massive plate of food.

“You mind if we eat outside?” Waverly asked Willa. “You guys are grown-ups and stuff. Talking about grown-up things.”

“Go for it,” Willa said.

“Light the bug torches while you’re at it, will you?” Duke called out.

“I’ll do it,” Dylan said.

The three teenagers went out the back door.